I have gotten VI and Vienna Ensemble installed and have a couple more questions related to using them with Pro Tools.
1. Page 31 of the manual says "create an Aux track and as many Stereo Aux Inputs as you will need." As far as I can tell, a track can only have one input, so do they actually mean "create as many Auxillary Input tracks as you need"? I created two separate Auxillary tracks for my current project (it uses only two VSL instruments - violin and clarinet) and set the inputs as needed, and it worked fine.
2. More importantly, each MIDI note played seems to use the same articulation - for example half notes are not held for their entire duration. Is there a way for VSL to intelligently assign articulations based on the length of the notes and how they were originally articulated? I did read something about this automatically happening when using VSL with Sibelius, but not sure how to get this to happen in Pro Tools. Incidentally the MIDI files being played were originally exported from an older version of Sibelius in which I had added phrase marks, stacatto markings, etc., so the MIDI file itself does contain varying note lengths and appropriate degrees of separation (or lack thereof) between the notes. In a sense it sounds 'legato' in places by virtue of there not being space between the notes, but not in the 'authentic' way that a legato passage would sound on each particular instrument.
Thanks again!