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  • Saving data, please wait...?

    I get the  above message very often and VE Pro and Cubase 5 stop working for quiet a while, what is this about? Can i change that? There's got to be something i can do.


  •  There are two things you can do:

    1. Turn off autosave in Cubase
    2. Run VE Pro decoupled. Of course this will mean that none of your plugin information will be saved with your Cubase project, so remember to turn it on again before you shut the project down.


  • Thanks for the quick reply DG.  I'll try that.


  • That seems to have solve the problem so thank for that again.

    An other problem I'm having is that VE Pro seems to work well with 1 master(Cubase 5.5 32bit, Win7 64x) and 1 server (with K2.2.3 32bit Win7 64x) with lots tracks it would seem, but as soo as i start playing tracks on my second server(same as server 1) i get cracks and pops. 1channel seem to be OK but as soon as i try to add a second channel i get cracks/pops. Seems like VE Pro only works well for me between 1 master and 1 server. Is there anything i can do to make this better? Would Cubase 5 64x and VE Pro 64x(with Kontakt 3.5/4 give better results?  I was hoping to use 3 server. Perhaps 4 or even 5 if i had too. I could get by with 2 or 3(3 idealy) i guess but 1 is no enough.

    Right now i have 5 VE Pro loaded(3x 32bit + 2x 64x). That pretty much takes all of my ram on both my 64x server(2 dual xeon with8 GB ram) with a bit of head room. I have about 64 ch. routed back to C5 but only a few channel playing. I tested 5 channel playing on server 1 with 2,3,4 or 5 on channel server 2 and get bad results. As i said earlier, 1 channel on server 2 seem to be OK but not great either.

    I'm gonna run test with 64x VE Pro only and Kontakt 64x only later to see if that helps.


    edited: I've tested the opposite with 9 tracks playing on server 2 and it works but i soon as i add track from server 1 i get the same result.

    Also, i only use instrument banks in Kontakt trigger by VST expression in Cubase in case that makes any difference...


  • I try the opposite and play 9 instruments on server 2 without a problem but i as so as i add track on server 1 i get the same result.

    Aslo, i only use instrument banks in Kontakt  trigger via vst espression in Cubase if that makes any difference...

  •  Are you using a Gigabit switch? Do you have all other networks, Internet, Wireless disabled?


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    @DG said:

     Are you using a Gigabit switch? Do you have all other networks, Internet, Wireless disabled?


    Yes i use a 3COM gigabit switch with gigabit cables.

    I don't have wireless connections.  As for other networks i think i have only one and this is the one i setup to use VE Pro.

    edited: I connect my PC dirrectly to the internet to get a on the web via my router witch is not connected when i make music. Pcs are alwasy connected to the switch exccept whne i have to go on line.

  • I've connectd a 3rd server(32bit) and got better result with that one. Was able to play 9 ch on that one while playing 5= on server 2 with almost any problem. But i soon as i start adding instrument from my other 64x server i get clicks and pops.

  • I've run test with all 64x app and get much better results but the problem is still there. 1 thing I've noticed is that i get very little clicks and pops when VE Pro is in the task bar and get lots of clikcs and pops when it's on the desktop. Which leads me to conclude that my video card is probably the problem here. I know it's cheap anyway and only has 128 mb ram on the card i think so I'm looking at getting new ones. Do you agree with that or do you think the problem might be something else. From here, it seems pretty obvious a better video card would help.

    I've also gotten ride of one of 2 video swicth i had connected to my system. This one below:

    I am now using only a cheap 4 port Rosewill RKV-4UC. Could my switch be the problem? I'd appreaciate some input before i spend more $.


  • I've try to go back to my previous KVM swicth to make  and get the same result

    I've been trouble shooting a LOT lately and I'm not sure what else i could. Suggetion would be appreciated.

  •  I think you need to contact support.

    FWIW on one of me previous computers I also used to get pops and clicks (using only one machine) when VE Pro was open or minimised. As soon as I closed the GUI everything was fine. If closing the GUI solves the problem for you, it could well be the video card. Have you tried using Remote Desktop instead of a KVM switch, in case the slave video card is the problem?


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    @DG said:

     I think you need to contact support.

    FWIW on one of me previous computers I also used to get pops and clicks (using only one machine) when VE Pro was open or minimised. As soon as I closed the GUI everything was fine. If closing the GUI solves the problem for you, it could well be the video card. Have you tried using Remote Desktop instead of a KVM switch, in case the slave video card is the problem?


    No. I'll probably try Remote Desktop later but I'm not sure if it'll work since I'm on win7 home premium and think Remote Destop is only available in win7 pro or something... I'm hoping to avoid Remote destop if i can since i don't think i like the work flow. ...Actually, it might be perfect for me I'm not sure i remember how it works now. I'll do a search...

    Thanks for the heads up regarding the graphics. I'll try that. But I'll probably get better cards as i can see it's laging.

    Yesterday, i had good results usuing 1 slave only. I ran close to 50 tracks without a problem then ran out of ram. The difference is that, although i was using my KVM switch, i did not switch between ports at all. I had only this Pc open and didn't swicth at all. I have a feeling my KVM boxs are the problem so I'm running a test this moring without switchs at all. We'll see what happenes...

    Thanks DG, It seems you're the only one not ignoring me around here. 😉

  •  Ah yes, Home Premium might present a problem. However there are alternatives you can try out, such as

    I haven't ever used anything but Remote Desktop, but as long as you make sure that you set Restore points it can't do any harm to check out.

    I'm sorry that you feel ignored, but I think that it is more a case of most people don't have anything to add, rather than willfully ignoring you. [;)]


  • Maybe you're right.  [:)]

    Yea i remember synergy. I used it on XP and it was brilliant. But then i had to reinstall and never managed to get it back woking again. I'm mostly on win7 now so it should be OK. But i don't think i have enough screens. I'll keep that in mind. For now I'm running this test and will try a 3rd KVM swicth i have after if this test is succesful...
