You're not happy? I'm confused. I was the one who lost a month of work, part of a contract, had much anxiety and spent a considerable amount of money trying a hardware replacement for the VEP server. I really appreciated your pointing me to your website for instructions on how to set up a direct ethernet connection between 2 computers.
I was using the VEP server, not the VSL library. As I had written, the servers were connecting to a slave computer. I gave what I felt were all of the pertinent details. Who would have guessed that just having the G Player instantiated in my Logic project as a VI would affect the VEP server. The clue finally appeared when someone was able to open my Logic project without all of my plugins and connect to VEP servers. That gave us some information to follow up on which pointed to the missing plugins.
The fact that the VEP server can host 3rd party plugins makes it fabulous to use and also probably very difficult to maintain in terms of its code because of all of the variables unrelated to the VSL app. The G Player issue is one step removed from the VEP server in that it was simply in the Logic project. The fact that the same thing happened with the VEP server in DP with the Mach and giga files underlines an odd problem. I've already heard back from Karel at VSL. They will be investigating this issue and I will give them any and all details that they need to trouble shoot it.