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  • BTW,  I don't think you can reasonably infer that VSL has built the lion's share of a Notation DAW. What they have built is a midi extention cord with VST plugs and sockets, a midi driven rompler and, of course, great sample libraries. There is not even a hint of sequencer engine or Notation-to-midi-event translation or graphics-to-print interface in VSL's portfolio.

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    @dshertz said:

    I would suspect that the thrust of Sibelius' marketing has been to provide one stop shopping to education. I would not expect, even with their integration with Pro Tools, that aim has changed. So I would not expect to get a product from Avid that would be integrated enough to suit professional composers but rather it will provide a "good enough" package for educational institutions. After all they will follow the money, just as Notion has with the iPad development. Remember these are the folks who want $25 for a customer service call.

    I somewhat agree with you.   Sibelius would like the students to use its software as early as possible because most people will stay with the software unless they have a very compelling reason to switch.   Avid/Sibelius have the technogies but it doesn't mean they are going to do anything anytime soon.   Which notation software are you using now for composing?

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    @Errikos said:

    VSL has already developed the more demanding and expensive aspects of a DAW, and don't forget, a VSL DAW doesn't have to include those features that are necessary in pop music; it will be a symphonist's sequencer, not a ProTools competitor.

    Well said!

    I don't write pop music. I require demanding aspects of a DAW such as the ability to do things with the tempo, the timeline (such as to get the performance together and then conform or warp a grid to fit that rather than the other way around such as a notation bound person would have it, which is a cart to pull the horse), which VSL, having never made a sequencer at all has surely not developed. Given that it wasn't until Cubase 4 that the tempo track as it is today was developed at all, I do not have any notion that it is the cheaper part of the package to develop and it isn't a negligible consideration. I do not know what is a 'symphonist's sequencer'. I think it is made of straw same as your pop musician and her needs. It seems like a very insular notion out of an insular and to be frank ignorant world view.

    Hi there Gianna!

    You have a strong straw-fetish, don't you? Everything other people think is made out of straw for you isn't it? It could never be the product of erudition and intelligent deliberation. Time and time again you have superciliously referred to my insularity and ignorance in so many things musical, that you've made me think I haven't even been born yet. You have been nothing but contemptuous of any standard or value I hold high, summarily dismissing Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and "all that scene..." - they all wrote puerile melodies, you've called Williams a fraud and Zimmer innovative, you have compared Bruckner's musicianship (unfavourably!) to that of a street-corner rhythm-soloist's - something I might have entertained if I believed you'd ever actually heard one bar of Bruckner's music - and worst of all, you thought that a composition would still be yours even if half the material had been imported and merely re-ordered and collated by you. On this occasion, my understanding of what a 'symphonist's sequencer' should be, is a straw construct of an insular and frankly ignorant man... I mean, what would a symphonist ever do with the tempo track?..... All the accelerandi and ritartandi happen magically, all by themselves..... Also, what would a symphonist do with the ability to warp the grid to fit? A symphonist never writes for anything other than for orchestra; he never writes for solo instruments or duets or trios..... A symphonist is strictly "notation bound"; he would never dream of possessing skill enough to play in a part and conform the grid to that part, would he now?..... And where did I say that these features were unecessary to a symphonist exactly?....

    I also have been dismissive of other people's tastes and musical knowledge here (especially yours), sometimes in a rather powerful manner. The difference is, I remember making cogent arguments and offering a lot of examples of what I considered artful and worthy, for two reasons: a) To provide an opportunity for comparison, b) to create a basis for discussion. You insist on just brushing everything off with a wave of your regal hand, but never have you sought to educate, to elucidate, to even justify your dismissals. Either leave me to rot inside my Platonic cave (Plato to you must be another funny straw man with little or no understanding on anything at all, isn't he?), or enlighten me with your superior understanding. Show me what great music really is, I've been waiting for years now for those profound celestial melodies that will make me forget Mozart, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, and Puccini instantly, those rhythms that will shame me for ever having studied Beethoven, Scriabin, Stravinsky, Bartok, Prokofiev, Messiaen, etc. Please Mistress, don't leave me here, I'm ready to receive your Wisdom now...

    @dshertz: How many sequencers are available free on the Internet or through the purchase of a magazine? It seems to me that more than the lion's share has already been developed here. Plus, why this insistense on Sibelius (or Finale for that matter)? There are other companies/individuals that might be interested in combining forces with VSL. Score for example - now dead - was considered a titan notator in my day - excreting on both Sibelius and Finale in their erstwhile respective versions. I mean there are many solutions; VSL may choose to reincarnate a program like that. Anyway, if there's a will, there are options.

  • @EP: I'm using Notion and discarded Sibelius 6.2 after a two day trial of Notion SLE.

    However I found that when VSL midi tracks are exported from Notion, the midi file contained redundant keyswitch and and CC11 information and would not play properly in Cubase. I wrote code to strip this redundant info out. My test case is Hewig's Theme which went from 402K before stripping to 170K after stripping!  Now files play as well in Cubase as they did in Notion.

    I export to Cubase to do the controller editing and final mixing. Composition has always been a two step process. If Notion would just tighten their act a bit, they could be the "VSL DAW".

    @Errikos: Your point was VSL has done the lions share of a DAW, my point is that they haven't. Most of the better Open Source sequencers and Notation translations are just that--open source and so are not available to be incorporated as a commercial product. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill here but forgive me if I apply occasional autocorrection to that buzz.

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    @Errikos said:

    The difference is, I remember making cogent arguments and offering a lot of examples of what I considered artful and worthy, for two reasons: a) To provide an opportunity for comparison, b) to create a basis for discussion.

    Errikos, I don't know how many times I've said almost that exact same thing to people on this subject. I only usually debate with people in person I know, but no matter what... because it's not the popular view, it's automatically dismissed without any intelligent disussion. Sadly I feel if I'm reading something from plato, I get a more intellectual discussion regarding music than half the people I've ever met. And like Plato I believe that Math, Music, and Philosophy go hand in hand and all merit study. And after reading The Republic, I wonder if he could have only heard Bach, how intellectually stimulating it would have been. Maybe that seems crazy, maybe I'm wrong... but I believe the study of music intellectually is more contrapuntal or more anything else, that most modern music simply abandons. If people like that, fine. I'm not complaining in the slightest. But if I think that something else offers more intellectual stimulation and therefor merits more study, then let me be.. that isn't ignorant, it's a peaceful and intellectual approach to wanting to learn something. Something that how many composers, as you listed, have had similar paradigms about (on some level anyway) for hundereds of years, if not longer.

    (Okay, seriously... I just wrote that paragraph and didn't even see your Plato reference until now, lol. I love it!)

    Back to being on topic... "If there's a will, there are options" - I have had a hard time simplifying that very point on here. Seriously, all hail master Errikos, the great wordsmith! lol - Now that you've enlightened me, I remember the best quote here... "Where there's a will, there's a way".

    Maybe VSL's silence means something is coming? Maybe I'm dreaming, but I'll enjoy my dream while it lasts. Seriously though, I think people would be nuts if they didn't realize that if VSL doesn't address these issues, someone else will. And that has the potential of hurting VSL a little if it happens. In software, VSL is usually ahead of other similar market offerings; in order to serve VSL users as anything that assists users, saves time, or increases in ability is good. These requests only serve that same telos.


  • Thanks Sean, interesting coincidence regarding Plato; he certainly did have his strong ideas regarding music - as expounded in The Republic, and wasn't shy about them either.

    @dshertz: I don't know how much autocorrection you have applied to the general buzz since I don't think you got the point. My uneducated contention is based on logic, instinct, and whatever experience, but as I have never made any money from programming, I don't know the logistics and time needed for such projects. Be that as it may, I feel that VSL shouldn't have that much to invest, at least financially, in order to offer a DAW (perhaps excluding notational facilities). However, when I mentioned the open-source/cheap sequencers, by that I meant that perhaps a sequencer's development does not require untold billions of investment, especially if it is developed for a specific kind of use instead of trying for a more universal application. And VSL already has the sounds, the mixer, and the plug-ins for symphonic composition. If only they can secure a Nobel prizewinner to design Gianna's timeline and grid-warping intangibles, all that remains is the Arrange page and the work that's done there, the Piano-Roll, and the Automation lanes.

  • Two questions:

    Does anyone know of a DAW (excluding pro tools) that has a decent notation editor? or instead...

    Does anyone know of a notation editor with more midi capabilities/friendly features than Sibelius? I only of know of notion, which only supports 4 midi channels. I want notation, but in Sibelius I can't do any sort of automation. I like notion's automation abilities and it's sequencerstaff. GREAT features... and I'm not expecting other editors to have those... but I would like an alternative program with more midi channels. That or if anyone knows how I can use Sibelius in a way that would serve the same DAW-like purposes. it would help.


  • @Errikos: Please go to LilyPond's web page and just look at the size of the development team (and notice how they are begging for additional help).

    And all LilyPond does is to convert script into printable notation. What I am trying to suggest is the reality of the scope of the effort to develop a Notation/DAW hybrid.

  • Which is why I suggested that VSL is very close to a DAW - perhaps excluding notational facilities. And that's why I suggested they perhaps went with an already established developer as far as notation is concerned - or even an established developer for the remaining DAW features - but not household names who wouldn't be interested. Lilypond was one of my suggestions but just as an example.

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    @dshertz said:

    Please go to LilyPond's web page and just look at the size of the development team (and notice how they are begging for additional help).

    First, LilyPoind is a text-based editor, which has a lot less interest from the masses than programs like Sibelius or Finale. Second, it is cross-platform. How many programs like these have more people in their developement than in the private market? Just because more people develope Firefox, doesn't mean that 10 people can't make something like Chrome. (Not that less is always or ever ideal, but it certainly doesn't prevent VSL from having a notation editor. What would determine this is cost, user demand, and how much work will need to be put into developing a score editor, based on how fully-featured or semi-featured it would be.

    Those things are up to VSL to determine; the only thing worth doing is letting VSL know whether we'd desire such features (and other feature ideas) and if we'd pay for them. Let them worry about if it's doable, through a VSL-DAW or some other method, and so on.


  • Errikos, you keep refering to your desire to work with only a full-featured notation editor, that if VSL implemented any notation at all, it should be fully featured. Have you looked at Rosegarden? I normally don't care for most Linux offerings. I firmly believe that Linux has potential, I simply think many aspects have not yet matured enough (or in the right way) for my liking.

    All that aside, I'll have to install Ubuntu again to test it out. I was reading on their page and they promote the notation editor as being much more capable than other DAW offerings. Looking at the screenshots, it seems they aren't lying. I'm wondering (if it works decently anyway) if something like that would work. Just thought I'd mention it as I just found it.


  • My reason for "insisting" on a comprehensive notation editor is very simple, maybe I haven't expressed myself adequately so far... 95% of the time I compose in Sibelius. Most of the time I wouldn't even call what I do sketching. I write straight on a full score (depending on instrumentation), and work from there. Most trials and errors take place in Sibelius - including changes in orchestration, material, anything really - and of course all audio feedback takes place there as well. When I transfer my work into Logic, all composition/orchestration is already "finalized" (there will be some minor material or orchestrational tweaks, emphasis on "minor"). Basically, I need to use the DAW for all the engineering reasons in the world, but very few creative ones. I don't need the arpeggiator, I don't need the transformers (99% of the time), I don't need Ultrabeat, etc. I need the external libraries' sounds, the EXS, the timeline (there, I said it...), the automation, and the plug-ins. Whatever minor tweaks in the material itself can easily be performed inside the Piano-Roll. I have never used the DAW notation editor, I wouldn't know what for...

    So, since all composition takes place in the notation editor, I need it sophisticated enough to score The Phantom Menace - not Inception, not TRON 2 - The Phantom Menace, to the point where all parts can be extracted and given to studio players for performance with every detail, straight from my printer; conductor's score too. I don't care for Sibelius' 'Ideas' feature, or its education packages (although I have used them occasionally for some of  my private tuition), and generally any of its beginner-features or plug-ins (not that they shouldn't be there, just that I don't need them). I do need however the majority of its notational and layout capabilities. I have to be able to follow my complicated score like I follow a Boosey edition - if not better, and as I compose, I don't want the hassle of having to constantly stop thinking music and try to move everything into place, etc. And I do want the easy access, the clever palettes; basically everything that makes me compose as hassle-free as possible, and with the best audio feedback possible. Since I work on the page from scratch, for the life of me I can't understand how the standard DAW notation editor (say Logic's) would be of any use to me - and no one tells me!

    P.S.: I was always peripherally interested in Linux (since my days of learning Unix at university), even this OpenOctave thing they've done with the VSL. However, one look at this Rosegarden notation jpg. tells me that one just couldn't do The Phantom Menace with it (sadly). Be that as it may, I do like to know what's happening with all platforms, thanks for the link.

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    Errikos, that cleared up a great deal for me. I agree with your first paragraph almost entirely. The only reason I brought up the DAW notation in Rosegarden was that I thought it might address some issues. After reading that paragraph and realizing how much I agree with it, I would be plenty happy with two things taking place.

    1) VSL having far better integration into Sibelius, as discussed.

    2) A VSL-DAW (notation or not) - Although, the first one would be more important to me in the end, but I'd still want both.

    @Errikos said:

    for the life of me I can't understand how the standard DAW notation editor (say Logic's) would be of any use to me - and no one tells me!

    I only want this as a means of hybrid'ing notation with good performance, like what notion attempted. If I could simply use Sibelius will complete and automatic integration and get decent playback results... then I'm satisfied, all DAW discussion would end for me at that point. After that, I'd simply export the midi into the DAW for fine tuning the performance if neccesary.

    Having a full-featured Sibelius inside a daw, with notation and performance kept separate, would accomplish the same thing to me. Where I could draw things in sibelius, and fine-tune the performance in the piano roll. I'm basically wanting notion. The only reason I don't use notion now is that it has only 4 midi channels, a ridiculous hinderance for big templates. Now that Notion is dead, what other option do I have? This is why I would like either Pro-tools to add more of Sibelius in it's editor, or for VSL to have a notation editor, or Sibelius to have full integration with VSL, etc. But like I said, in the end I could sacrifice all my views posted here if I could have a more automatic Sibelius integration with decent playback results. (I still feel this thread is valid. Like I said, A VSL-DAW could offer more integration than Cubase, so I'd still want such a thing to happen. I'd simply use Sibelius, then use VE instead of Cubase.

    I have never even heard of OpenOctave until now... looks VERY cool! I'll have to look into it. Thanks!!


  • Errikos, totally off topic, but the Sibelius Ideas thing is very handy, when you have unorthodox (according to Sibelius) rhythmic notation that appears at various times in the piece. I find that if I have a motif or fragment (that I've spent time re-beaming and putting articulations to) that is likely to appear at various times in the music, storing it in Ideas is much quicker than searching the score to be able to copy and paste. Obviously it is much quicker to re-pitch this Idea than create it from scratch.


  • Thanks Daryl, I had never considered that. I always looked askance at that feature, thinking "I have my own ideas thank you..."

    Sean, let me know if you get anything interesting through Linux.

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    @Errikos said:

    Thanks Daryl, I had never considered that. I always looked askance at that feature, thinking "I have my own ideas thank you..."

    Sean, let me know if you get anything interesting through Linux.

    I will, I probably won't do this for a week or two cause my schedule is about to get flipped upsidown then lit on fire, lol, but I'll post if I find anything useful and relevant to this discussion. The OpenOctave thing was cool, but there were a few issues I had with it. It looks fairly complicated to set up. I'll figure out anything if I want it enough, but the time doesn't seem worth it so far. The only thing his work seemed to impress me with is some of the editing features Cubase lacks, and the fact that he seems more interested in developing it for VSL than others, which could obviously have great potential. I'll keep my eye on it. So far, Rosegarden (after more Google-ing than I'd care to admit) seems to be the only viable linux notation/daw package. LMMS was the only other DAW 'featured' enough to be worth the time, but without notation, so I'll primarily be comparing those two in features, ease of use, midi setup, and stuff that will eventually serve VSL, as I see it anyway.

    Have you looked at Musescore? I just tried it and it seems fairly well built for a notation program. It's definately not as powerful as Sibelius in some regards, but it is clean, runs very smooth (something Sibelius hasn't quite accomplished, though I realise why and don't blame them), and is feature-filled enough to that seems a viable option for most every-day notation needs, and them some. It certainly fails in midi though, in every way. But when you made the suggestion that VSL should buy a notation software none really came to mind that I thought was viable. Musescore is opensource, but I wonder if VSL could use that source to make a VSL version that would only have changes in midi or VSL-related things... it's a thought anyway. The only problem I'd see would be that it's open source and VSL obviously isn't in anything. I don't imagine they could charge for it. Maybe they could for a VSL-version...? I don't know how that could work. But it seems a good enough editor for what you'd require, am I right in that or no? I figured something like this (if plausible) could save VSL most of the development and programming time necessary for a notation editor in this VSL-DAW. The hard work would be done. If not in a DAW, it could still be a stand-alone. Any thoughts?

    And fyi, I LOVE the 'ideas' feature... because 1- DG's reason and 2- it's like a clipboard. Sometimes I'll come up with something that's amazing, but not for this peice... so it serves that purpose too. But I do agree, the second I saw the 'given' ideas I reacted the same way.


  • Hello,

    Pertaining to what have been discussed, I would like to stablish a distinction between composition and publishing. My view of composing in notation precludes any form of layout or print-oriented editing, for instance, in Sibelius I work only in Panorama and I really don't care if an item is marked red because it cannot fit the layout ditribution.

    Making each part clear and print friendly, I regard as a separate step. In fact, in Sibelius, I find the concrete world of printing to get often in the way of the abstract world of composition. Taking as an example the Phantom Menace, composing the parts using notation symbols is all that is needed, having the symbols be accurately interpreted and the sounds correctly played back to the composer. Then we could always export everything as MusicXML and do all the layout tweaking in another platform.

    There's a large distinction between audio and desktop publishing and I believe the latter is very distant from what VSL currently provides, is a different world and technology. For my needs, this software would only require:

    1. Integration between notation symbols and VSL playback

    2. Easy way of controlling midi, akin to what happens in a DAW CC lane.

    3. MusicXML import and export.

    On another topic, I would like to add that I've been trying MusicXML between Sibelius and Notion. I've been doing some tests, composing in Notion and then exporting everything to Sibelius for printing and I'm very happy with the results, at least for small ensembles, I'm yet to try a full orchestral score.

    iscorefilm, you've said that Notion only supports 4 midi channel, but that is not accurate. Notion supports only 4 midi channels for "general" use, but you can load as many instances of VSTs as you want, an example: you could load 8 VE instances with 16 channels each.

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    @Another User said:

    iscorefilm, you've said that Notion only supports 4 midi channel, but that is not accurate. Notion supports only 4 midi channels for "general" use, but you can load as many instances of VSTs as you want, an example: you could load 8 VE instances with 16 channels each.

    Okay, I thought that might have been the case. I just reinstalled notion3 SLE and today was planning on setting up a score template to my liking. I'll have to give that another go then.


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    @Tralen said:

    2. Easy way of controlling midi, akin to what happens in a DAW CC lane.

    @Tralen--This to me is the current achillies heel of the current DAW/Notation software. It falls just at the dividing line between DAW and Notation package. The Notation packages don't have enough editing control over velocity, expression and crossfade and the DAWs don't allow easy CC data thining or copying. Neither package really takes into account the fine tuning which must be done here to make a mockup as realistic as possible.

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    @Tralen said:

    2. Easy way of controlling midi, akin to what happens in a DAW CC lane.

    @Tralen--This to me is the current achilies heel of the current DAW/Notation software. It falls just at the dividing line between DAW and Notation package. The Notation packages don't have enough editing control over velocity, expression and crossfade and the DAWs don't allow easy CC data thining or copying. Neither package really takes into account the fine tuning which must be done here to make a mockup as realistic as possible.

    I think it's very easy to become institutionalized with the current software paradigm. Piano-roll editing didn't even exist 100 years ago, while notation did. 100 years from now, something else may even exist. I'm not saying we should abandon what we have, but that piano-roll editing clearly lacks the versatility of notation and notation clearly lacks either the ability or the level of ease in digital fine-tuning that automation lanes give us. The ability to serve both ends is with any doubt a neccesary goal, maybe not for everyone, but for how notation and playback ultimately should work to best serve users. If notation could do everything a piano-roll w/automation offers with ease, I wouldn't even see a need for piano-roll editing.

    Your 'neither package' bit hits this right on the head! That's why I think a VSL-DAW is the best route to go. If VSL made it, it would automatically work with everything VSL (that alone is worth it), but to have a midi/notation/automation/piano-roll editor (or whatever would be a functional tool in that area) would make it all the more worth the effort.

    I've been reading into this very issue on other forums for the past couple days and I've found a common pattern. 1/2 the people want exactly what is mentioned here, a clean notation editor that works with our samples automatically and ultimately serves as a composition tool (something no notation editor has accomplished in light of playback capabilities). The other 1/2 say 'no, I want midi because notation has never served DAW's very well, no one uses it'. The problem here is that most DAW notation editors hardly qualify as even being called notation. You can't say 'it has a staff and a clef, so it's good enough'. A real notation editor should at least have the common notation sybmols, lines, etc. we all know and use, and the computer should simply play that back to us. This would serve notation users very well. Then the DAW problem. - A VSL-tailored DAW would solve many issues VSL users face and ultimately would save people a lot of time and effort. If VSL made a DAW, they'd be insane to not include some sort of notation involved. Other sample companies? Fine... VSL? The most orchestral-focused library in the market? VSL makes VE DAW and includes no notation editor? It would be counter-intuitive in many ways.

    Essentially I've just said that we would benefit from a VSL-DAW and if made then notation would be expected and probably demanded in the end. Who better to balance notation / automation / piano-roll editing capatilibies than the same people who make the samples that those editors will be performing?
