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  • What VSL would you recommend me?

    Please recommend me the best ones you have tried (Woodwinds I or II?, Brass Special, Brass I or II?, chamber Strings I or II? etc) I will buy about two of them so I want to get the best ones first (the most realistic ones) other question: do I need something special to run them in Nuendo? or if I buy them it is just thing of loading and playing them as a VST instrument? thanks!!! Ricardo

  • I like all of the libraries so I can't answer your first question.

    For the second. You need the Player Software which comes for free (Vienna Instruments). However i would recommend investing few dollar / euros for getting the "Pro" version of this software which brings lots of additional features.

  • The first question is not really possible to answer.  The "best" libraries depend on the type or types of music you intend to write.  If you intend to write primarily small ensemble pieces the answer is somewhat different than if you intend to write large "epic" scale pieces.

    IMO, if your interests are primarily traditional orchestral, you might wish to start with libraries that emphasize the core sections of a symphony orchestra: the orchestral strings libraries (or if interested in smaller ensembles, chamber strings I), woodwinds I, and brass I, along with basic percussion.  Some go the route of the various SE libraries and then full collections when financially possible, often starting with AP strings for a larger string sound (the main drawback to AP strings is that it has far fewer articulations).  Chamber strings I is also very good for a more intimate sound, and the solo strings are also very good.  Regarding strings, the packages for muted strings, IMO, should be regarded as subsequent add-ons.  While muted strings are important and can be used to great effect, they are secondary to the standard orchestral string sound. 

    The SE libraries contain a very broad range of instrument samples, and can be a great starting place given the large range of instruments that they cover.  But, they are sampled in whole tones, have fewer velocity layers, and far fewer articulations than the full DVD libraries.  Nevertheless, the SE libraries are best described as providing what is essential.  If going the SE route, getting all four of those libraries would likely prove helpful.  Again, you will need to decide the best purchase route to take.

    In general, for the full DVD collections, planning on getting both standard and extended libraries would be helpful.  The additional articulations in the extended libraries really help in aiding realism.

    But again, the key question before purchasing anything is: what sort of music do you intend to write?  Without knowing the answer to that question, it is impossible to make any sort of concrete recommendations.  The libraries that work best will be those that prove most helpful for what you intend to do.

  • Thank you both. Rgarding the music I do, I do different kind of music. I have some themes to show you examples, but they were made with the competitors' products, so I dont want to post it here. I was thinking in getting the Woodwinds I and Vienna Dimension Brass. And if I have enough money, maybe the Chamber Strings I... Do you think it would be a good choise?. I have the doubt about chosing between the Woodwind 1 or 2, for example, since I dont know the real difference between both (same for brasses and etc)... that is my main question. The second doubt is about realism. For example: maybe I need some strings more than brasses, but what if the strings does not sound realistic? (and what if Chamber strings II are more realistic than Chamber strings I?), then I would prefer Brasses if they sound better, since I am not interested in composing only 1 style or genre of music (I compose metal, rock, epic film music, classical music, folk, etc.)... sorry if my English is a bit complicated, I do not speak English well...thanks again to both for your time :)

  • You should first look on the product information pages of each of the libraries, this should clear up many of your questions.

    For example: Brass I has completely diffenent instruments than Brass II. Brass I has french horn, Trumpet, Trombone and tube, and most of them as a3 samples,

    Brass II has Instruments like piccolo trumpet or bass trombone.

    And the question if chamber strings I sounds more realistic then II also does not make sense, as I is open, II is con sordino.

    So first decide, what instruments you need.