I am running two AMD 8-core server CPU's (Magny Cours)
1) I have yet to meet an Intel computer as good as my own.
2) Intel has nothing on AMD. Hyperthreading is a 0-30% performance boost at most while having twice the cores is 100% better.
3) Intel benchmark tests are designed to use the slowest methods on non-intell CPU's, most third party benchmark tests are designed the same way. Very few tests are accurate, in the U.S. the FTC has now even had to stop intel from spreading this misinformation. Many intel fanatics never seem to want to listen to this. If you want AMD, a 6-core machine would be great. I don't mind intel to be honest, I just have a good personal experience with AMD. I remember the first AMD machine I tried to this day, I noticed how certain things were smoother, certain things weren't. Different CPU's handle different tasks VERY differently. I say this cause I want to stress that I'm not trying to make fun of CM, or any other Intel fan on here... I just want to add that AMD is a viable option and I personally have had a better experience and think that cubase, VSL, etc run smoother on my machine than an intel friend of mine.
4) I would recommend trying your software on both machines to be honest. I'll never convince my East West friend to change... specs hardly seem to convince people over their own experience. Personally, I think that VSL blows East "wurst" WAY out of the water, but it doesn't change his mind.
Hopefully that helps.