Hi, I'm new to Vienna Ensemble Pro. I have read the manual along with an in-depth tutorial found elsewhere online. To start with, I am merely trying to make VEP work on the master computer. I have no slaves set up right now.
My Setup:
Master computer:
1. Vienna Ensemble Pro Server (64-bit) is running in the background
2. I have Logic Pro 9.1 setup with the first track running the VEP plug-in (multi-output)
3. I load 2 instances of various plugins in VEP mixer and assign them to different MIDI-IN channels (2 and 3 respectively).
4. I hit command-8 and select 'new' --> 'multi-instrument'
5. I enable MIDI outputs 2 and 3.
6. I add 2 new MIDI instrument tracks and point them in the library to MIDI tracks 2 and 3, respectively.
The only output I ever get out of Logic into VEP is on the initial track with the VEP plugin. I simply CANNOT get any MIDI outputs to go anywhere and play instruments in the VEP mixer. So, I CAN get VEP to play something on that first track, but I can't figure out how to control anything more than 1 instrument in VEP at a time from Logic.
I'm perplexed.
Brand new and having great trouble getting Logic to work with Vienna Ensemble Pro
Well,l I'm still lost. I'm new to Logic as well. I switched from Cakewalk Sonar on PC. If I just want to do a very simple setup where I have 1 instance of Vienna Pro Server running and I want to set up 16 instruments and then route each channel from Logic to Vienna, how would I do this?