Hi guys, I confess that I've never spent any time trying to use effects, but in some cases, I've gone into Cubase and added an Altiverb instance, then used the automation to fade it in or out.
Now, in VEP, I'm totally lost. If I have, for example, 8 VSL instances in VEP64, how do I arbitrarily apply whatever audio effect to only one instrument, AND be able to automate it (fade in, out, automate a parameter etc.) in a Cubase automation track, without having to do it on the main VST in Cubase, which affects everything it seems?
Say I add Altiverb, in the effects area in one instance of a VSL instrument in VEP. How do I go about automating just that single instrument?
Sorry for the host of basic questions lately, but I'm really trying to learn. Too much at once probably lol.