I am new in VSL. I am thinking to get the Appassionata Strings & Special Edition. Anyone knows the difference between the Appassoonata strings in Epic Orchestra and the DVD library? I read many comments that Appassionata strings is much have rather than Orchestral Strings.
I bought the SE download woodwind and Dimension Brass......wah, love it.
I read many post that SE Plus should buy download rather than DVD version. Cant decide!!!
Would love to hear you all suggestion.
VSL Appassionata Strings & Special Edition
Hi lama525,
Welcome to our forum!
Great to hear that you like our Vienna Dimension Brass and the SE Woodwinds download!
The Appassionata Strings samples in Epic Orchestra are only a teaser, this becomes more obvious if you compare the Epic Orchestra sample content with the sample content of Appassionata Strings I DVD Collection.
You might also want to compare audio demos of Appassionata Strings and Orchestral Strings in our Demo Zone - the difference becomes really obivous there. 😊
Hope that helps a little bit!
Best wishes,