I have VE Pro with Epic Orchestra, plus SE woodwinds. I'm moving from 2 old computers to one new one.
I've moved the dongle with all the licenses and am up to date with the latest eLicenser. Have downloaded latest versions of VI Player and VE Pro. I go to Directory Manager, and have added the epic orchestra and se woodwinds folders. Epic Orchestra now shows up fine in the player, but SE woodwinds is nowhere to be seen. Tried rescanning, removing, adding again... no dice. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Missing a library when moving computers
Hi Paul - yes, license shows up fine in eLicenser. Both VI Player and VE Pro I downloaded from the website today, so up to date there. But despite a compelete restart, I still can't see SE woods!
Thanks to Paul who's been helping me over the weekend with this and Larry on another board who has an identical problem, I've got a workround. Looks like this affects some users of SE woodwinds, though not all. The library doesn't appear in the patch browswer. However, clicking Matrix assign reveals the library there. Now click back to the patch browser - and the patches appear as if by magic under the "Special Edition" heading. Oddly, these are now ABOVE the red "no patches" cross (never seen anything there before!) Clearly there is something not quite right, but the important thing is that the patches load fine and everything seems to be there. Let us know Paul and co if you're able to reproduce this and patch a permanent fix, and thanks again for going above and beyond the call of duty over a weekend!