@Dietz said:
Jack Weaver is pointing to a French product which
could be founded on a concept I outlined eight years ago -> Longcat's "Audio Stage" . The underlying idea and even some parts of the GUI are much like my plans for a Post-Pro MIR, but without IRs, because it's based on virtual room models. I'm very fond of the basic idea, but I have to admit that I wasn't convinced by the acoustic results at all, at least in a musical context (... I just tried the demo).
just a short note to officially claim we (Longcat) didn't steal Dietz's brain just after he outlined that Post-Pro MIR concept eight years ago 😛
A lot of labs were working on the same sound-object concepts in the 90's (IRCAM in France, MIT in the US, etc), or even in the 80's. And everything took place in the Virtual Reality worlds, or (even better) in the game audio technologies.
I cannot tell how glad we are to see some similar approaches coming next to our AudioStage. The more audio-objects paradigms are used, the happier we are, as we see it as a confirmation of our thoughts.
All the best for the upcoming Pro-MIR,
-- Benjamin / Longcat Audio
Welcome and thanks for your message, Benjamin. I think the essence of my reply to Jack Weaver's posting got somewhat lost in translation. What I meant to say is that I dig the concept a lot, which is not astonishing given the fact that I already sketched a similar idea in the early days of the MIR development (although obviously based on IRs, not on algorthmically generated virtual rooms). Personally I hope that you revolutionize the post-pro market with AudioStage.
You are also right that more and more object-based approaches to mixing are appearing on the market these days - like Iosono's "Upmix", for example. Time for us to teach all audio the people out there that faders, pan-pots and "reverbs" are just _one_ possibilty to work with multiple signal sources. 😉
Kind regards,