Orchestral Strings set up with various articulations in the horizontal direction of the matrix (staccato, detache, sustain, etc.) At the end of the row, I have Sfz. Below Sfz, I put tremelo. Controller 1 is set-up to move in the vertical direction of the matrix. I thought this meant that Controller 1 would cross-fade from the upper to lower cell, my idea being that a string could start as Sfz and then cross-fade into tremelo as Controller 1 was applied. Nothing is happening. How do I set up strings to go from Sustain or Sfz to tremelo? Once I understand this technique, I could use it for other things as well.
[SOLVED] Not Quite Getting The X-Fade Set-Up
The manual that came with the Special Edition is a small format booklet with 44 pages. I do not see cell cross-fade. Perhaps someone else has some advice or can point me to the documentation. In general, I find Vienna to be a phenomenally high-quality product, but the explanations--even in the videos--are somewhat cryptic at times, assuming the user has a basic concept he may not have.
Thanks, DG. I will check it out. I love Vienna and want to use it to its fullest. I have Special Edition and Special Edition Plus (sold separately by Sweetwater.com) and am already thinking of adding some additional string articulations/libraries. Vienna is not as plug-and-play simple as other VIs, but it is well worth the little extra effort.
Thanks very much, Martin. I assime clicking on the circle provides the opportunity to define a x-fade controller for the cells. I am not at my console right now but will try this later. With key switches, controllers for vertical movement, A/B selections, x-fades, velocity, etc., Vienna has many more options that most virtual instruments. Thanks again. Konrad
Thanks. I am sure all this good advice will be a great help and I will try it out later. Regarding the videos, I have downloaded them and in some cases they have been very helpful. In other cases, I find they leave out some detail or make assumptions that the viewer will know what they mean; and some of the key and click actions are off-screen. So, I agree they are great--but just not 100% complete. Thanks again for the kind assistance from everyone.