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  • No Sounds(Novice in VI)

    Hi everyone, I just purchased Vienna Woodwinds SE extended edition. Everything was downloaded properly,however, when I uploaded the sound on VI in Logic I hear nothing. There is meter activity in VI but not in Logic. Thanks in advance.

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    Welcome Johnny42,

    You have decided to purchase the Special Edition PLUS Standard and Extended Library of the woodwinds.

    These also contain the basic articulations of the "normal" Special Edition in their presets and matrices, as it is designed as an additional product for the "normal" Special Edition.

    So if you trigger anything but the basic articulations contained in the Special Edition (Staccato, sustained, sforzato,Legato, legato with sustain crossfading), you will hear a sound.

    Here is the Sample Content of the Special Edition Woodwinds.

    And here a link to the sample content of the Special Edition PLUS Woodwinds.

    Here is a quote from the product description of the SE Woodwinds PLUS (the first sentences):

    "This download collection is the ideal expansion to the Special Edition, regardless of whether purchased on DVDs or downloaded from the web shop. All woodwind instruments of the Special Edition make an appearance here, but with additional articulations such as portato, fortepiano, trills, Repetition Performances and fast repetitions."

    You can always add the Special Edition Woodwinds to have all articulations available!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Paul, Thank you very much for your response. I am unable to sustain a note for a full measure. I have tried to find the key switch that would allow me to perform such task, but I am unable to find it. I will try harder. forgive my ignorance, I am new to this.

  •  You won't find any sustained notes in the SE+.

    That's what Paul wrote.

  • TFIS, I realized that after I posted my comment. I appreciate the help.