Liking the new layout. On I can't get the interactive screen shots to work though? (Max OS X SL10.6.4)
It just occurred to me that maybe you're clicking the overview collage, but to get to the interactive screenshots please try clicking the link below that leads you to the screenshots page where all interactive ones are residing. I understand that it's hard to grasp that only the character ">" makes the difference between a link and a caption.
Thanks for your input, Tim!
Cheers, Martin
Hmm, very odd - tried again this afternoon and they seem to be fine. The screen shot expands into the hovering window and I can now hover over different buttons/sliders and it gives me a description - which it wasn't doing yesterday. Maybe it was me?
Thanks anyway guys these sites are really good and very informative.
Hi Martin,
Congratulations on your Vienna Suite Website, its very impressive. I´m a new user of VS and your product videos are really very helpful. One thing, though. While browsing the site I tried to open the interacive screenshots ( via the link below the pix) and got the following error message:
Details zum Fehler auf der Webseite Benutzer-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C) Zeitstempel: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:12:14 UTC Meldung: Annahme ausgelöst und nicht aufgefangen. Zeile: 75 Zeichen: 399 Code: 0 URI:
I use Internet Explorer 8, maybe its a IE8 - specific problem, but I thought you should know anyway...
I am back from holidays and see your new websites. Congratulations. I am mastering everything with VSL 64bit. I was using WAVES plugs, but since you have released 64 bit version of VSL Suite I am using these plugins for many styles of sound and songs.
Thank you and please go on...
These are two different animals - VE PRO is a host, VI PRO is a player. With Vienna Ensemble PRO, you mix, you instantiate plug-ins (such as Vienna Instruments and Vienna Instruments PRO), over network or on the same computer, you save your orchestral templates ("preserve"). In Vienna Instruments PRO, you load the articulations to play your instruments, e.g., using the Humanize functions.
The slick trailer on both is really superb. Matter of taste all together, but I like the layout and presentation a lot, not convoluted and you can see at a glance how to navigate.