I have set up a cross fade with the New Dimension Brass samples so as to use the 'blare' samples when at higher dynamics (I use C11 to control dynamics with standard velocity crossfade, in sibelius)
Problem is, that the crossfade is designed, I believe, as essentially an even cross fade from one sample to another, 50-50 if you like, and no matter what I do with cross fade curve, there is always a 'bleed' of the blare sample at low dymanics
If I were using these in a workstation it'd be no issue as I could just program it but as I use sibelius I'd like to be able to fade in and out of blare at the high end automatically. I realise I could put 'blare' all over my scores - but that's not really what I need. It will sound much more realistic for the cresc to go up through the normal vel layers and end up at blare - and come down again.
I guess what would be great is for VSL to reprogram the sus patches to include the 'blare' samples as the highest velocity patch - perhaps a 'sus with blare' patch for those of us who want it? The problem (don't get me wrong I love the new library on the whole) with the Dim brass is that without the 'blare' the top end of the dynamic range doesn't cut through as it ought.
Anyway I can change my programming with the crossfade that I haven't worked out?