Hello everyone,
I'm still running 32-bit logic due to plugins not being 64bit yet and crashing the bridge, and unfortunately I've run out of RAM in my current project. Whats weird is even though I have Kontakt memory server running, if I try to load another instrument into my project I get the dreaded "running low on RAM" error.
Thinking this was a problem with my current song, so I loaded a new logic song and tried to see how much I could load into Kontakt hosted in VE pro, and was SHOCKED at my results!! I could only load 3.22GB!!!
Here is a link to a picture of my activity monitor. As you can see, Logic is only show 285MB Ram used, VE pro is showing only 1.6GB ram, yet I got an "out of memory" error! http://www.fieldsfaraway.com/jon/logicvepromemory.jpg
Anyone have any ideas? Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that VE pro & Kontakt 3.5's memory servers both loaded its samples outside logic? So why if I load ONLY kontakts in VE pro, does logic's give me an "out of memory," error, especially when its only showing only 285MB of ram used?! Is there a setting I'm missing in VE pro or Kontakt?
Thanks in advance for the help and reply!
8-core 2.93GHZ Mac Pro (2009) OS 10.6.5, 24GB Ram Logic 9.1.3 VE pro V4.1.7644