Basically, I downloaded the HP preferences for Finale, which has stuff like D0 for sustained, D#0 for legato, etc.
Sometimes this worked, but then I was noticing it wasn't working, with the result that everything is staccato.
What I realized was that if I load a matrix, all the patches are C0. So presumably, I have to change each one individually to get it to match the keystrokes that will activate each articulation.
Once I do that, it works, but that's quite a pain to set that for every articulation in every instrument
So then I thought maybe I should load the preset, even though I don't like that because it uses memory for instruments I may not be using.
But when I loaded the preset, then each patch is E7. So I would still have to go through manually and change each one.
Surely there must be an easier way that I'm overlooking?