For the record, I also worked on getting multitimberal capability going in Sonar. I did accomplish this. So, I’m convinced that my settings in Vienna Ensemble are correct. The Audio Engine Options are set to MOTU PCI ASIO (ASIO) Outputs ½. If I load Vienna Ensemble before launching Sibelius, I will hear the one and only channel of sound I can get, playing half a step flat, as if there were a conflict between 44.1 and 48K sampling rates. Everything is set to 44.1 as far as I can tell. However, the point is that I get absolutely no sound from Sibelius notes in a score at all. The test function doesn’t work when I assign an instrument and a channel in the manual sound set tab. GPO and Sib Essentials work fine. Also, it seems that this installation and update of my Vienna Ensemble has ruined the Vienna Solo Strings that I had working in Sibelius5. I have no idea unless the updated Vienna Ensemble uses a different Custom Data Folder and won’t reference my Vienna Solo Strings playback configuration in Sibelius 5 for some reason.
Would upgrading to Sibelius 6.2 have any effect? I doubt it but thought I’d ask. Also, in contravention of the VSL tutorial video on the subject, all my sound sets are located in C:\Program Files\Sibelius Software\Sibelius 6\Sounds, where everything but Vienna seems to work and all the steps needed to make it possible to work seemed executable. My other VSTs are not located on my C drive. They are on my D drive. Does it matter that the folder location for VSTs in Sibelius is shown as being way under the C drive?