I am using VE PRO Server and Digital Performer on the same Mac Pro. And VI Special Edition.
I have some Horn chords. Three part chords I have a sustain sound loaded in VI.
The first chord sounds fine. But if the next chord has notes that were in the first chord these notes do not sound - only the new notes sound.
The chords are three note chords that fill the measure, then the next measure has a chord that starts at the beginning of the measure. So the notes in the next chord start exactly where the last chord stopped. The notes that are the same in each chord don;t sound.
If I take the note off duration of the first note back an 8th, then even if it is the same note in the next measure it will souond. BUt if the notes go hard up against each other they don't sound. BUt if the next chord has all new notes then they all sound.
Something with the notes not getting the note off and then back on message??