As always, thank you very much for the quick reply, Dietz!
And very good to know!! It wasn't clear for me before.
@Dietz said:
OTOH - as long as you like what you hear, nothing is hindering you from using these settings as an effect!
I like it to use in some cases! It's not for a natural sound, but it's a good choice to get a clear "direct signal" with a "shoot" space (assuming it's more mono, right) - with the rich reflections of the foyer in a long distance (main mic Beethoven - icon on the wall behind the stairs) it sounds like a very good delay! Really nice!! And it increases the possibilties again many times over. So sometimes I will use the "body" of the icon only, giving the Icons "wide wings" to "switch off" the IRs coming from the left and right channels. Doesn't sound good only, it looks good too, like huge dragonflies!
My daughter has been enthralled. She only deliberates about why not is incoming an audience? But that's another question - later!