emspace, thanks; sorry not to have been clearer; thanks for your help; Cyril, Yes, have been through the video tutorials several times.
I just recreated from scratch:
On the left - in the Workspace - 'C0' is indicated; on the right - in Control Edit - both C1 and C#1. Why two sets? Why both C1 and C#1 in V-SPAN
In Logic Pro 9 I have MIDI event notes corresponding to C1 (at the start of Bar 1) and C#1 at the start of Bar 3.
Although I can hear the sustain (cell 1A) and pizzicato (cell 1B) when I click on those in VI, and indeed if I assign CC #1 to the change and move the Mod wheel, when I play the Track in Logic, I only hear whichever cell in VI was last clicked/selected.
IOW no actual switching.
I know this'll be utterly simple. Thanks so much :-).