I just finished making a short section for an outdoor market scene in a musical play. I don't have a lot of experience with this so I thought I'd put this up for anyone who wants to listen. It's 55 seconds long. I await your comments (either slings and arrows or unreasonably lavish praise). It can be found at http://burchmusic.com/at the market.mp3
At The Market
I thought it sounded great. Nice job! Have you composed other music?
Hey, Steve!
Nice! Very UP for the market scene idea!
I'm no expert at all dealing with VSL samples, but the only thing I hear has to do with 'mastering', or EQ, reverb, etc. The only reason I bring it up, is because that is what I am dealing with in my own work right now in Logic 9. There's so much for a non-engineering/mastering person to learn about these things!
Good composing!
Thanks. Yes, the mastering is a big issue! More stuff to learn.
A few pieces can be heard on my website burchmusic.com on the dowload music page. Nothing much, but I have fun with it.
Thanks for your comments.
Hello again, Steve.
I went to your web site and listened to several of you pieces. It's so nice to hear your work! I think that your work could be performed by good high school or college orchestra/bands. It's good to hear good music that can be performed by a large variety of groups!
You know what you're doing!
Ah yes, as a matter of fact I've been a high school music teacher in my beloved (but often highly disfucntional) Los Angeles Unified School District for over 17 years - so I have lots of experience with live acoustic instruments. One reason I bought VSL is that I was just so tired of having my music played out of tune! But bless their hearts, my students do their best.
best wishes,