I have two USB E-Licenser dongels on my machine. THe other day I was tryinmg to transfer my VSL Elements lib to the other dongle that holds my VSL SE, + Extended and Appasionatta strings + Extended. The transfer didn't seem to work and now my VSL Elements license is not on either key.
I have installed the most recent version of Elicense ( and tried the Recover button. No success. The recover button says:
"Recovery An error occured which prevented the operation from succeeding. Please restart your computer and try again (which I did) or contact your software vendor..." (which I have done directly and am also doing in this forum)
When I try and enter the Activation code Elicence recognizes that it is an VSL Elements code but then gives the following error:
"The activation code has been used already... Please contact..."
What has happened here? I also have an old Steinberg demo of Hypersonic and 3 Hypersonic collections that are on one of my keys that I would like to delete but there is no way of deleting them. When I hilight them the "Remove License" option from the drop down menu at the top is grayed out. I really don't care if these old hypersonic licenses are still there but I really need to fix my Elements issue.
Any help would be appreciated. I have to say that I was pretty Ok with this form of copy protection but now that I am having problems I have to say it sucks. (Not VSL of course, they rule!)
Thanks for any help,