Thanks Karel. Good to know you're looking into the Logic workaround. Not that I have any reason to doubt what you say about Logic's delay compensation, but I do find it odd that I've never had an issue with it whatsoever, in all the years I've used it. I have seen certain disk-streaming plugins not render offline properly - notably EastWest's Play engine - but anything I host inside Logic generally renders perfectly.
VE Pro is the first thing I've ever seen that seems to have problems with Logic's latency compensation, but as you say, that might be an "under the hood" issue with Logic itself, especially if no other hosts have this issue. Hopefully you're able to work with Apple on this so it can be fixed at the source.
And yes, that was me that reported the workaround of setting VE Pro's plugin buffer to "none" before bouncing. That does fix the issue. Of course, it raises another one: since we poor Logic users are hamstrung by the 16-channel AU limit, we have to do this on ALL our instances of the VE Pro plugin, which can get tedious! It would be nice to have a global option for this setting across all instances - pretty please ;-)