@g.beljon said:
There are so many possibilities
yes! Isn't that fantastic? 😊
Fortunately, for a newcomer to VE Pro, many of the obstacles that required using some of the techniques have been solved (for instance, the decouple setting was a MUST USE for protools users with Kontakt4 until just recently - now we can have that disabled if we want).
There are some very good posts in the forum about workflow techniques -- some of them from me being just as critical (and asking the same questions) starting in April 2010. But to search the forum, you best use Google.
There are also some fantastic threads on the DUC for protools users -- lots of experienced users contributing useful information on applying VEPro within protools.
The documentation today is much, much, MUCH better than in April 2010 when I bought into this. Thanks to Paul! I would start there and understand what each parameter does -- then post specific questions if that is not obvious -- questions related to YOUR workflow. Since each of us has different needs, the power and flexibility that VE Pro gives us is part of its value to me. A composer who uses the same template for every cue has a vastly different workflow than the guy who builds it on a per-cue basis, as needed for each song or cue.
You WILL find your best workflow -- just try a few variations out and see what works for you. The forum will answer your questions -- but since there are more than a few ways to "best" do file management, it's very dependent on YOUR workflow and how you want/need to use your VIs. So let us know how you like to work, and I can assure you that VE pro is probably has the flexibility to service your needs. And don't forget to search the forum using google -- many of the answers and questions have already been discussed by experts.
Good luck.