I managed to get Sib and VE Pro working together and I love the new capabilities. But there are new problems. Some scores that I created using VE do not entirely play back correctly. For example, in an symphonic piece, the violas are playing detache instead of pizz. In another, a brass fugue, the trombone II insists on playing staccato. All the examples played fine with VE, but not VE Pro.
Sib 6.2 VE Pro problem with articulations
Hello Mark!
If you want to change a Playback Configuration from VE to VE Pro, you will have to make all settings on the Manual Sound Set page again (Sound Set, channels and programs for all activated VE Pro instances). The loaded instruments and settings you had in VE can be transfered to VE Pro by saving a VIFrame file in VE and then loading it with VE Pro.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -