I'm sure this has a ridiculously easy answer. Here's the issue:
I'm setting up a template with VEPro and VIPro on a slave computer. I have a hardware device setup to send program changes to move between the different matrices in VIPro.
I use both Digital Performer and Cubase. When I load up DP, connect to the VEPro instance and arm a MIDI track, everything works fine. I press a button on my hardware controller and VEPro switches to the correct matrix. However when I load up Cubase, connect to VEPro and and arm a MIDI track, nothing happens to the matrices when I press the buttons on my MIDI controller.
The correct program changes are getting into Cubase. I verified this by recording a few seconds of me pushing different buttons and the correct values show up in the Program Change lane. But even when I play back the recorded Program Changes, nothing happens in the VEPro instance. Notes, CC's all work fine, just not Program Changes.
Any ideas?
(using DP7.2 and Cubase 5.5)