Had an issue with midi channels changing when I reload. I'm running VSL Pro 6853 as a standalone (not server) on a Vista 64 i7 PC. On installing the latest version, VSL checked two midi ports I wasn't previously using. As they were at the top of the list it then offset all the other midi ports by 2! I had the same thing happen on a VSL Server metaframe when opened in VSL standalone. It is slightly irritating and potentially very time consuming to sort out. VSl appears to count down from the top to recognise midi ports rather than recognise their names, that may be a bit simplistic but you get what Im saying I hope. I know external midi is a beta feature in VSL Server. If there is any way of fixing this it would help a lot!
VE Pro and Midi channels
Hi Flashman
I presume you mean midi ports rather than channels.
I've had the same issue, but usually find it's because additional ports have been enabled in midi settings after a reinstall. You're right that VE Pro seems to remember port order rather than port names, which can cause this kind of issue. I usually find that if I uncheck the additional ports whcih VE Pro has enabled, then everything falls back into place.