Sure it does. Why would you think that?
1. In Kontakt, make sure your outputs are assigned. Do you know how to do this? Try assigning outputs in your host first, and get comfortable with the upside down way Kontakt does multi-out. Kontakt assumes you are a 14 year old geek.
2. In VEPro (yes, page 23 of the latest docs) make an input channel, and assign the INPUT FROM the Kontakt output pair. The numbering scheme is not intuitive, but if you look at it for more than 3 seconds, it will be obvious. 1st number is Kontakt "4" the name of the plug. Second number is which instance of Kontakt (let's say you only have 1 instance, but if you had more, the 2nd number would be 2 or 3 etc., and the 3rd number is the stereo port.
Kontakt 4 1 2 is the 2nd pair. Kontakt 4 1 3 is the 3rd pair. The 1st pair is on the VE Pro channel that hosts the plug by default.
You have to first tell Kontakt to use the output pairs.
Then make input channels in VE Pro and route it.
Think patchbay. Signal must come from somewhere and go to somewhere else...
I am no fan of how VE Pro numbers ports and outputs (documented on this forum), but it's not brain surgery. VE Pro is only using what the plugin maker gives them. In the case of Kontakt, NI calls the output pairs by number, although inside the plug, it is called by mono outputs. That's not VE Pro's issue. In Omnisphere, the output pairs are called by letters, yet by the time you get to VE Pro, the output pairs are again numbers. I will bet this is a flaw of the AU spec. Just look at it for a few moments and it will be clear.
Hope this helps.