I just bought VEPro.. It's a great product.
I've been headache with soundflower and Jack.. But with VEPro all the problems are gone.
But I have some questions.
I have macpro with 18g ram, OSX 10.6, Logic 9.1.1, VEPro 4.1.6853
I loaded 5 instances of VEPro server 64bit (about 10Gb of sample)
and I launched Logic 9 (32bit mode). Open VEPro AU and connect to each instance.
But right after that, I have 'Out of memory' error in logic.
Logic is empty project, ram usage is about 200mb (in activity monitor).
Am I did something wrong?
Should I use use 64bit mode logic with VEPro? (is it okay with 64bit mode logic?)
It's a urgent question.
I hope somebody give me a answer.
Thank you!
and other thing...
When I use 'delete' key to delete patch or module in Kontakt 4.1.1
Kontakt is instant crash.
I can do this with right mouse button. but 'delete' key is my very old habbit ^^