I have been happily using the multiple output instances of VE Pro and before that just VE. Today I updated to the fantastic new Vienna Instruments Pro software (superb I will write another post on this magnificent advance later) and also took the opportunity to get the latest version of VE Pro. However now that I have done so, it only shows me the stereo plug in both in Logic (latest version 9.1.1) and Cubase (5.5). VI Pro does show the 4X stereo multi option, or the plain stereo but VE Pro in both hosts does not, only the stereo. I tried reinstalling, checking permissions, I uninstalled VE Pro, then reinstalled - still no change. I checked all of Cubase and Logics plug in settings (deleted a few I noticed shouldn't be there anymore) but nothing significant. In Logic's audio units manager it doesn't show you if a plug in is capable of multi output, but in Cubase it does, and in Cubase, VE Pro only shows up two times - as a VST2 instrument and as a VST3 instrument: both of them stereo only - no multi output version appears.
Anybody have any ideas about this (urgently!)??