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  • Controlling Vienna Instrument with Novation Zero SL mkII


    I'm new to using a controller with VSL Instruments. Can anyone tell me how to map and save

    my settings with a Novation Zero SL mkII controller...

    I've been trying, and I can get the performance mode mapped, but I lose my mapping even after I save my settings.

    When I reopen the VSL Instrument, I have to remap it all over again...

    I also have the option of using Automap Pro 3  with this controller also. If someone knows how to map it with this I would appreciate the suggestions... 



  • I'd be interested in hearing also!

  • I am new to Novation controllers and have a Zero Sl MK II, with Automap 3.5, using it in Logic 9.1.1 on Snow Leopard in 64 bit mode. If you Turn Off the Automap feature, you can program the instance of Vienna Instruments to respond to assignments in the way outlined in the VSL Video on the subject (right click on the slider in Vienna Instruments so it turns red, then move the desired slider on the hardware).  I think this works separately for each instance of VI you use in Logic, so you have to go through the set up procedure for each instrument.  Automap does, in fact, have an automap configured map for Vienna Instruments in 64 bit mode, and for VI and Vienna Ensemble in 32 bit mode, labled "Vienna Instruments (Automap)", etc., when you go to insert the VI in the control strip at the left of the Arrange window (isn't this easy??).  However, I have been UNABLE to get any of these automaps for VI or VE to work when I load them as instruments in the channel strip.  When I press "INST" on the hardware, for a pop-up window of the controls that have been mapped, I get the Klopgeist instrument, which, I believe, in the native Logic instrument used for the metronome.  Other plug-ins, such as EXS24 and the MIXER do work as descripted in the Automap users manual.  I may have a setting wrong somewhere, perhaps in MIDI Input and MIDI Output ports in Automap settings, but I haven't found the right combination.

    If you look at the Vienna Instruments Pro, which is loaded with sliders (see the new VSL Videos on this product), I assume we will have to go the non-automap route, unless we can find someway to create an automap for it.  I have been unable to do so (that is create MY OWN assignment map) for the current version of Vienna Instruments.   If I hear back from Novation tech support on this, I will post further info.


  • I have your exact same setup Steve, and I'll be looking to integrate VI Pro to it as best as possible! Looking foward to reading your advances. [D]

  • jammusique --

    I am currently waiting to hear from Novation tech support, since my reseller informed me that the "wrapped" AU instrument, for example, "AUViennaInstrument" in the Plug-In manager, SHOULD work in Automap mode.  It does not, at present, as previously explained.

    My current set up, allowing control of Vienna Instruments Pro in non-Automap mode are:  In Automap: Settings - Use Automap h u i, Settings-MIDI Output Port - Automap MIDI, Settings-MIDI Input Port - All, Settings - MIDI Channels - 1 and 2 checked.  In Logic: Control surface set up under Preferences, Control Surfaces in accordance with PDF documentation that comes with Automap (Automap H U I as a Mackie H U I control surface); in Environment window, set up new Monitor object and link to Port 2, Automap Propeller Head and Automap H U I (NOT Automap MIDI).  To program a template for use in non-Automap mode:  TURN OFF Automap mode on ZERO SL MK II, depress center speed knob to allow choice of templates, select an empty Learn template by touching one of the knobs below the LCD screen at the tope of the SL MK II, open Vienna Instrument Pro in Logic, follow the VSL assign control surfaces regime on this website: right click on a Vienna control and move control fader or knob in SL MK II for all VInst Pro sliders you want to control.  After you have assigned all controls you want, on SL MK II depress WRITE button to store information (I name my template VInst).  For example, in my setup, in Basic mode for VInst Pro, I have assigned the sliders that you can assign to various parameters, to CC's #16 to 24 in the SL MK II.  You only need to assign faders that you want to change during performance.  I find that I must start Automap FIRST, before starting Logic. You must remember to CALL UP that template, VInst in my case, in non-Automap mode when you open up the Vienna Instrument Pro.

    This should work, but then we have the problem about how to RECORD all this fader pushing in Logic.  I find that you must record the control surface inputs either at the time your are busy recording notes (an impossible task), or AFTER the notes have been recorded, but in a separate track which you later MERGE with the notes track.  This allows the notes to be played on the previously recorded track while you manipulate the control surfaces during the performance (affecting the output of VInst Pro as a result) on the second track.  I have been unable to record contol surface inputs by getting Logic Automation to work (which allows you to simply play a track while it is in Touch or Latch mode to record Automation inputs).  I am assuming that if the Vienna Instruments can be successfully "wrapped" under Automap, that it will then be possible to record control surface inputs through automation.

    I hasten to add that a more experience Logic/MIDI person may have an easier or effective solution, in fact, I am rather expecting it.  If so, I hope such person or persons will provide STEP-BY-STEP instructions for those like me who have only limited MIDI knowledge, down to the last detail, including information on ports, for example.  There is some discussion of Vienna Ensemble in Apple's corporate Logic Suppport Discussion group about separate control of the various instruments by establishing separate channels somehow for each instance of VE in Logic.

    Further thoughts or corrections most welcome.


  •  Did you solve your problem?

    Can you assign the 8 faders to VI PRo virtual faders or are they only for volume setting?

  • create controller lanes in hyperedit and use logic's midi learn.

  • After many months and multiple attempts with a variety of Novation products (Zero SL mkII, Nocturne and 2 different Novation keyboards) I have finally given up on trying to maximize Automap with VSL.

    My main complaint with Novation is that you are absolutely required to wrap any plug you expect to use under their proprietary overlay of software that lays between the Zero ML and Logic (or in my case ProTools). Although possible and with a LOT of work, one can get this to function.... but only if you play by Automap/Novations rules.

    I've sold the last of my controllers and now have turned to Behringers BCR2000. 32 Incredibly easy to assign knobs another 16 buttons, multiple pages and setups, this is a dream compared to Automap for ease of use and set up. It's (relatively) inexpensive and works without loading any drivers as a great auxiliary  MIDI controller. They also have a fader baser unit as well.

    I'm only responding this as I wasted months and generated many fruitless nights of frustration trying to shoehorn Novation to work simply and efficiently with VSL (and other plugs). And yes, I spent hours of time watching their tutorial vids, reading manuals, emailing and talking with Tech Support. I do understand the choices they've made in their design... I just found it overly controlling and preferred having the a Midi controller unit work within my work flow, not be forced to follow the design of a group of engineers just to assign a knob or fader.

    As for saving a mapping, it's as straight forward as you can make it. Good luck....


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    @crsmany said:

    My main complaint with Novation is that you are absolutely required to wrap any plug you expect to use under their proprietary overlay of software that lays between the Zero ML and Logic (or in my case ProTools). Although possible and with a LOT of work, one can get this to function.... but only if you play by Automap/Novations rules.

    I'm only responding this as I wasted months and generated many fruitless nights of frustration trying to shoehorn Novation to work simply and efficiently with VSL (and other plugs). And yes, I spent hours of time watching their tutorial vids, reading manuals, emailing and talking with Tech Support. I do understand the choices they've made in their design... I just found it overly controlling and preferred having the a Midi controller unit work within my work flow, not be forced to follow the design of a group of engineers just to assign a knob or fader.

    Yeah... as soon as I'd given Cubase over to their way, I realized this wasn't for me and deleted the drivers. I knew after I found they hadn't yet mapped Cubase 5 - Novation took over all the plugins and failed to control any, just dead in the water - and their support was less-than-clear about what was happening, I knew this was going to be a waste of time. I'm selling my unit. I wish I'd looked at them more closely.