When I play back a melody with Orchestral Strings - Violins, every note in the melody that has a staccato dot plays much too loudly.
So, I went into Sibelius' Playback Dictionary to edit Articulations/staccato. After checking Adjust Dynamic and Adjust Attack, I reduced the values by half. After closing the dictionary, I played back the orchestral violin part. There was no audible change at all in the dynamic level of the staccato notes in the melody. I repeated the above actions -- still no change during playback. Then I set the values for 0. Still no change during playback. Every staccato note played back much too loud in comparison to the legato notes in the melody. Then I set the values for 300. Still no audible change in playback.
This makes no sense to me. I tried the same kind of modications of the dynamic level and attack level on notes in the melody that had a tenuto mark. During playback, all of the notes with tenuto marks responded to the changes I made in the playback dictionary. When I set the levels for tenuto marks at 0, the notes in the melody with tenuto marks disappeared.
The only way I have been able to bring staccato notes to the same dynamic level of other notes in the melody is by marking each staccato note with a much lower dynamic -- such as dropping from mf to p. This is not a practical solution. Why don't Orchestral Strings or VE respond to changes in the Sibelius Playback Dictionary for dynamic levels in staccato?