Hi everybody!
It is holiday time and I am able to bother with some concepts like expression maps for Cubase 5.
It seems like a wonderful idea. But I am not yet right there to use it with ease.
I have Se and Se+, all extended plus a few of the larger Dvd collection. For now, I would start to concentrate on the Se+ solostring maps.
With the solo violin+ loaded, I added the corresponding matrix.
- In the matrix there are certain combination sounds like 1B: staccato/sustain that I cannot trigger. I tried non legato+ accent or non legato+sfz
- what about spiccato? I did not see it in the list?
-Why is con sordino listed? It doesnt exist in SE
- In the Vst expression set up there are in the sound slots column quite a few non sensical entries like "legato+stacc". I dont get the point as it results in a simple staccato.