I had the pleasure of upgrading my cable modem to the fastest available speeds in New York (50Mbs down/5Mbs up) and in the process, had to upgrade my router to accommodate the throughput (just because it says it's a 100Mbs port does not mean you will get the throughput! I learned the hard way!)
part of this process required changing the IP address of the router and the DHCP devices.
What was (internal) 192.168.1.x is now, 192.168.0.x -- which is just fine - until I went to restore older sessions. Even though the dhcp names have not changed, VEpro will not connect to the slaves automatically since this change.
And we have to manually connect each instance. :-(
Just a heads up to anyone who may be playing with their network. Expect some manual work after your upgrade.
PS -- Time Warner "Wideband" is freaking fast. Expensive, but 5Mbs up is something that you will immediately get used to, and your workflow will adjust. Uploading 1.5 gigs of data is something that you can just do now without an overnight involved.