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  • Hanging notes!

    I'm using Logic Pro 9.1 64 bit, and have a couple of instances of Kontakt 4 loaded into the 64 bit server.

    My machine is a MacPro 3.0ghz Quad Core with 12g of ram

    Once I select an area in the arrange page for editing, continuous notes start to play and can't be stopped.  If I hit stop, rewind, play then stop the sounds stop, however if I play again, they continue again.  Even if I quit Logic and re-open, as soon as its loaded, the continuous notes start again!  I have to quit both logic and VEP server to stop this behavior, but once I start selecting tracks and editing, it happens again.  Very frustrating and makes using VEP useless.  This behavior is the same in the latest VEP update as well  I'm at a loss of what to do.  Can anyone help?


  • Does this happen only with Kontakt or with any plugin loaded in a VE Pro instance?

  • I've only had this happen with Kontakt, come to think of it.  The more I'm troubleshooting this, it seems that I only get this behavior with one library, Kirk Hunter's Orchestra.  Could it be that the programming in the library can cause this?  If I load the same library directly into Logic, I don't get this behavior. Odd....

  • Strange indeed. Will investigate what could possibly cause this. Sorry for the inconvenience (that is if the problem lies in VE Pro and not the Kontakt library of course).

  • Is the server slaved? When I first set up our slave setup I was getting a lot of dropouts, with an older server version .4580 (or something around that) but crucially I had "Internet Connection Sharing" enabled in OSX prefs to pass an internet connection to my slave machine. VEP really didn't seem to like the "Internet Connection Sharing", as soon as I disabled it I got dramatically fewer hung notes and audio dropouts. Now I've updated to .6150 and disabled Internet Connection Sharing I'm getting very very few dropouts and hung notes (still one every now and then) but this makes me very happy!!

    In my Logic template I've set up a portion of my environment to send MIDI out to EVERY single VEP instance & channel and I've got an "all notes off" message at bar 0 on this track. So if I ever get a hung note, I just play over bar 0 and I'm sorted :D (or you can double click the MIDI out monitor in the Logic transport, but I prefer my solution).


  • No server, all run on one machine.  What you're describing as a fix would not work in my case, resets within Logic don't work.

    More and more I think this is a library programming issue.

  • If it is really only happening with this specific library, you can indeed assume this.

  • SO, after more extensive troubleshooting, I've discovered that this situation is repeatable with other libraries as well.

    However, after completely deleting VEP and its related files and re-installing, the problem seems to have disappeared, hopefully for good.


  • Unfortunately, It's back.  I'm at a loss of how to solve this, Help please!

  • Very annoying, happens all too often.  However I did find a clunky workaround to avoid having to quit everything.  In the VEP instance go to the channels in Kontakt that are hanging and reload the samples, this resets the channel and stops the hanging notes.

  • Doesn't sending an "all notes off" MIDI message work as well?

  • No, it doesn't.  I'll be running MidiMonitor in the background today to see what kind of messages are involved, maybe that'll help get to the bottom of this.

  • Is there anyone out there that has experienced this and has tips?

    This is driving me crazy AND KILLING MY WORKFLOW!

    I'm about ready to ditch this, as much as I don't want to.

  • How about using the panic button inside Kontakt 4? Does that help? Also, is multithreading enabled in Kontakt? If so, try disabling it.

  • Yes, of course, the panic button works, but the mere fact that its happening at all and so frequently, makes it a real productivity issue.

    Yes I have multithreading and the Memory Server disabled.

  • I definitely recommend disabling multithreading in Kontakt. VE Pro already spreads processing ideally over cores, and Kontakt could interfere with this. Also, if you're using Kontakt in a 64bit Server, you might want to disable the memory server as well to increase stability.

  • Karel, did you read my prior post?

  • Sorry, misread "disabled" for "enabled". This is strange though. VE Pro receives the MIDI from the master host. It doesn't remove or add extra MIDI messages, so it should behave identical to using it in the master host. However some libraries for Kontakt seem to be an exception to this, possibly related to bad timing implementations used in Kontakt. I'll try to find a way to circumvent this, but so far haven't even been able to reproduce this behavior.

  • i'm wondering if there is any more info about this problem. i've got a sequence that i can hardly start without notes hanging, while playing, or after seems to affect mostly two plugins, broadway brass (on an i7, windows 7, kontakt 4.1.1) and sample modeling trumpet/trombone and all saxes,(on a slave 2.8, 8 core mac 10.6.4, kontakt 4.1.1). the host is logic 9.1.2 on a 3.0 quad core mac 10.6.4.

    thanks for any help!


  • I have still the same problem too, playing Kontakt samples from a slave, but only on playback, not while recording or playing midi. When I run the same template in VE Pro standalone, and send midi via MidiOverLan, or hardware midi, there are no hanging notes, only in server mode via ethernet audio. Most of the time it's fine, but then suddenly some notes start to hang. One odd thing that I noticed is that it only happens to me when I do 4-5 part writing with quite independent voices. Block chords are never a problem. The slave also runs a lot of VSL instruments with no problems. 

    host: Logic 9.1.1 (in 32 bit mode), VE Pro 6150, Mac Pro Intel 8 core, 10GB RAM, Mac OS 10.5.8

    slave: 11 instances of VE Pro 6150 (64 bit server, multiprocessing 1 thread per instance) , Kontakt 4.1.0 (multiprocessor support disabled) , running Spitfire Audio library, Windows XP64, quad core Xeon 24GB RAM

    Karel, would it help if I sent you the Logic file in question (I could mark where notes hang) and the corresponding Vi frame file (you'd have missing Kontakt instruments though)?