and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
I'm having the same problem: I am trying to install VSL special edition on an iMac 10.5.7, 4GB Ram, running Logic 8. I've downloaded the installer from your website, so I believe I have installed the latest version of VSL. I put the directory containing all of the .dat files in an external drive, and have double checked that the external drive has read/write permissions. I've also made sure that the Custom Data folder is in a location with read and write permissions. I dragged and dropped the folder containing the .dat files from finder into the Directory Manager, as indicated by your installation guide. After the "Directory" field was populated with the folder containing all the .dat files, I clicked Preset > Save Preset, and entered a name for the preset and then clicked ok. Finally I clicked on the "close" button which ended the Directory Manager application. When I reopen the Directory Manager, The "Directories" field is empty. When I click on Presets > Load Preset, the preset that I had just saved does not appear. I've repeated this procedure numerous times after a fresh boot and I get the same result. Predictably, when I open VSL in Logic, I'm unable to play any of the instruments because no patches are loaded. However, the special edition instruments are still listed in the left column of the interface so at least I know that VSL special edition was installed correctly. Why is the Directory Manager unable to retain any information it receives after I close it!? Please help. Very urgent
Hmmm... i dont know if this will be much help, but just thought i'd offer an alternate approach.
Instead of dragging the folders into the Directory Manager window, try adding each folder manually.
Click the "Add Folder" button, then in the dialog window, navigate to where your data is stored on the external drive, and select each folder. Also, make sure that each instruments folder has, along with the .dat files, the "" file. Honestly, i dont know if that is necessary or not, but in looking at my system, each folder has its file in it.
I guess the only other thing would be to make sure you have a current version of the Vienna software. Sometimes old versions can be buggy. Although if you just recently D/L'ed it from the VSL site, i would imagine you do have the most recent version.
Thats all i can think of. VSL customer support has always been phenomenal for me, and they respond in the forums regularly, so dont worry; it'll get solved soon :)
Hi, I was wondering if the OP ever resolved this issue. I'm experiencing the exact same problem after transferring all files and applications from a MacBook Pro to a new iMac via TimeMachine. The Standalone app starts properly, all of my Logic 8 sessions load properly but without loading the corresponding VSL patches for the instruments I was using. I open the directory manager, nothing is listed. I click add folder, add Appassionata Cellos, Percussion, etc. I tried dragging and dropping as well. I even tried to save a preset like one of the above posters mentioned. Then I close the program, reopen it, and nothing was saved, the screen is blank again. All my licenses are in order, as when I open the Standalone program, I can see all licenses. Specs: Mac OS X 10.6.2, iMac model, 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 8 GB RAM, eLCC version, Directory Manager version 2.0 build 4017
welcome david,
what you should do anyway is to repair permissions on your system volume using the disk utility (reboot before)
also have you double checked you have read & write permissions for the location of the custom data folder?
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
Hi Paul,
To your first question, yes, all Vienna Software was closed and my DAW (Logic 8) was closed as well.
Having just purchased this new iMac, I used Time Machine upon first turning on the brand new computer to transfer all files, settings and applications from an external hard drive, where my laptop (the MacBook Pro from which I was upgrading to this iMac) would back up its sessions every few hours using Time Machine. This saved me the time of reinstalling Logic, Melodyne, the Standalone app, Live, etc. again on this new computer. I only mention the Time Machine process because it was one of the only procedures that happened between the Directory Manager working correctly on my laptop and incorrectly on my iMac.
To the poster above me, I will ensure that is the case, but I am also hesitant to label that as the cause of the problem; since I purchased most of these instruments relatively recently and my laptop cannot load more than one or two at a time, I never got it together to customize anything in the directory manager or create any custom patches for myself. I would mainly select one or two instrument banks (say, Trombones and Percussion) and add them into the directory manager window, close the manager, reopen, rescan, then start up Logic. I added the custom save step to my post only because the OP seemed to have done so as well.
I will of course submit an email with screenshots to the support service, but if you could tell me what you will be looking for, I can be more helpful. Basically what I would send right now is a screenshot of the directory manager with nothing else open, empty, then one of the manager with several folders added, then one of it empty again after my closing and reopening it. And that doesn't really relay any more information than what I have already told you.
Thanks for getting back so quickly, by the way.
Did anyone resolve this problem of the Directory Manager not retaining the folders that are added to it? I just recently purchased Vienna Ensemble Pro and installed th Epic Orchestra samples. I have done all of the things that are suggested here and nothing seems to work. I am running Windows 7 on a HP PC. I have made sure all permissions are set on the Custom Folder as well as the folder that the samples are located in. Whenever I add the folder and close the window and restart VEP and reopen the director manager there are no folders to be found. Needless to say I do not have access to these samples via the Vienna Instrument player.
Please help.
HI Todd,
this should work now with the latest update of Vienna Instruments, available here.
A workaround is also to right-click the Directory Manager and choose "run as administrator", but I´d simply install the latest software.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Have tried to access Directory Manager. Says. This file does not have a program associated to perform this action. Install a program. Please describe the program, and give it a name. Many regards Bob
Hi Bob,
Wow, you found an old thead there!
Which OS and software versions are you working on?
Screenshots are usually very helpful in such cases, feel free to send them to our support twm.
I assume that you have tried the suggestions above already.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support