Hey Karel, thanks so much for your reply. Read the scenario below and let me know what I might need to do to make this work:
I tried opening up both servers on my Mac Pro (see below for entire system specs) and then opening Logic in 64 bit mode.
I then went to an existing film cue that I had done with everything in 32 bit mode (Logic 32, Kontakt 32, VE Pro 32). That cue had 3 VE Pros on the host machine, and 2 VE Pros on the slave machine. The slave machine is a Mac G5 (see below) so its VE Pro's and server must remain at 32 bit.
When I opened the existing Logic project all looked well, it showed the VE Pros loading up their plugins etc. At the point where it was almost finished I got the message "VE Pro has unexpectedly quit". It was the 32 bit server on the host that shut down.
The 32 bit VE Pros on the slave G5 loaded and opened just fine
Now this may be that the song was saved with everything in 32 bit mode. Perhaps the song was forcing all the new 64 bit Kontakts to load into a 32 bit VE Pro? I'm thinking that this may be the case, because Logic stayed open, and the 64 bit VE Pro Server stayed open.
How could I open those old 32 bit film cues in Logic and make sure the VE Pro plugins don't connect where they shouldn't?