Wow, those sound great Guy. I love the tempo and energy of the Bach and the Tchaikovsky sounds very majestic, romantic. Can you say what is the reverb/ambience on this? Great work.
veetguitar --->sez: "Angelo, you are a weird guy."
I am totally normal ----> You guys are all crazy, supernatural, fantastic, unearthly weird lights and bizarre.
I am totally normal ----> You guys are all crazy, supernatural, fantastic, unearthly weird lights and bizarre.
weel nnow ANgrelo tha.ts nott realllly fairr ist irt?/ WE"RE NNOT CRAQZY!!@
Sorry for all the typos. The boys in white won't loosen the strait jacket enough and it's a b!tch typing with my toes. Talk about fat toeing the keyboard.
@jasensmith said:
and it's a b!tch typing with my toes.WTF is she doing typing with your toes? Doesn't she have any fingers? This is patient abuse!
Anyway, send her to cell 15A after you've finished with her or I'll tell Matron.
No, Colin, she has paws and I'll send her right over just as soon as she stops helping herself to my refreshing toilet water. Be sure to fill her dinner bowl up with some Kibbles & Bits would you and see if you can do something about her licking her rear end whenever I have company over.
Patient X
Very beautiful work! Congratulations! In respect to the Piano Concerti, I just wanted to point out two noticeable departures from the original score, I don't know whether they are experiments or mistakes. First one at 02:29 with that strong decrescendo of the piano. Usually it is played with a bit of crescendo, to link with the ensuing outburst. The score itself has no dynamics marks. Second one at 04:09 at which you play celli & basses with a very legato arco (even with expressive glissando) and not pizzicato. Saludos from Spain! Ignacio Calvo
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