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    @vibrato said:

    Errikos: First of all - if you really think you are not targeting Hollywoodwinds in this thread - Please REMOVE it from your title post and stop talking about it in bad light. Do you own it? Have you used it?

    Amen to that.  It's one thing to speculate about possible future libraries, but it's another to use that speculation as an excuse to trash a library that's shipping now that doesn't fall in that category at all.  You seem to want to have it both ways - you insist that you are just attacking future theoretical libraries but then turn around and insult HWW and the people who use it.  Plus it seems like most of the criticism is from people who don't understand the library and what specifically it contains, and the posts here are only going to give the uninformed an even more inaccurate picture of what it is.

  • well, i think the worrying thing about selfassembling orchestral music (if that should happen in the future) is not the professional realm, but the amateur, student, low budget, no budget area... these areas for almost all composers are the starting point in their career. very often such movies are produced by people who donĀ“t have a clue about music, but thanks to modern technology know a friend of a friendĀ“s friend who happens to be a "composer" of some sort. instead of looking for a proper composer, many people will opt for hiring a douche, because he will be able to some extent to come up with something.

    i see this happen quite a lot even as of now. technology right now allows many people to produce professionally to some extent, even if the music is crap. that could have been the first of many gigs for a talented composer.

    now i am not saying that technology is bad, because after all without it i too would be out of work... i guess itĀ“s just a problem we have to live with somehow.

  • Perhaps we don't speak the same english language; I'm sure I've been pretty clear...

    HW is a great program (that's the problem...). It does address the consummate film composer (of limited production budget) who will use it to cut corners and save valuable time, but compositionally it will offer him nothing that he could not accomplish on his own. However, HW will also be used by excremental never-would-bes in an attempt to mask (badly at this present time I grant you) their bereavement of inspiration. So, it is not that I have absolutely nothing against this wonderful software, as it is contributing - in however small an amount - to the genesis of programming that will conceivably in the future blend the lower end of creative artists to the higher end of non-artists, by providing in a box the work, blood, sweat and tears of those in the higher end. As is perfectly clear from my previous posts, I agree that this will make a great composer out of no one! However, the drastically falling standards of quality and aesthetics, may allow the creatively paraplegic - with some considerable computer and musical appreciation skills - to enter an already over-populated industry. Perhaps they don't pose a threat to me, but the discerning observer can plainly see the upward movement of embarrassing musical contribution. In my opinion, there are people working in Hollywood at the moment who belong in the mid-budget range at best. These people (I feel) are certainly taking opportunities away from me due to the aesthetics collapse of producers and directors - need we encourage that? This industry is saturated enough without inviting in anybody else that is going to contribute in the continual lowering of the standards. We need the exact opposite. We need composers that will carry forward the torch of quality, and light the way for whomever can follow on his own merits. 

    Please, even if you disagree - have the last word if you must as well, I don't mind - I believe that by now I have been more than clear in what I postulate.

    Peace, indeed...

  • I have to say that discussions of non VSL products, positiv or negativ, are generally misplaced in our forum.

    Thanks for understanding.



  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on