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  • Artificial harmonics on strings have unexpeted sounds

    I am posting this under Notation Programs as I don't know if the fault is Sibelius or with Vienna Instruments, or with the integration of the two. 

    As an example, I am using the Solo Violin sound to create an artificial harmonic based on middle C, with the harmonic a fourth above on F,  For the harmonic F I am using the diamond-shaped notehead created in Sibelius by pressing Alt-Shift 2.  When played back I expected to hear C two octaves higher.  Instead, I hear C one octave higher but I also hear F.

    Can anyone duplicate this?  Is this a software anamoly or am I doing something wrong?


  •  Which version of Sibelius?

    Have you run the playback plugin?


  • Hello John!

    Sibelius doesn't recognise your notation as fourth harmonics. It just sees a diamond-shaped note, which makes it switch to the harmonics articulation. The harmonics articulation sounds one octave higher than the other articulations. There is no reason for Sibelius to mute the F. So both notes are played.

    Here is what you can do to trick Sibelius:

    Select both notes and go to the Properties/Playback window. Check the Live velocity box and enter "0". Create a second voice and enter the C (or whatever note) one octave higher. You can then hide this note, so that your layout stays intact.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @DG said:

     Which version of Sibelius?

    Have you run the playback plugin?


    Sibelius 6.1.  The Harmonics Playback plug-in is not necessary with the Vienna strings, at the not with the version I have.

  • Andi:

    Thank you for your prompt reply as always.  The workaround works just fine


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