@aural said:
and i wonder how good writing can be offensive...
Surely you're not referring to, "It's Hard Out There for a Pimp?" Let me be clear, I have nothing against Hip Hop music, in fact I think artists like Alicea Keys and Beyonce are very talented and deserve recognition, but IMO the Academy chose this song purely for political reasons. It was a case of, 'we don't have enough Hip Hop music on our winner's list and we want to be more diverse.' In reality, it should never have been nominated.
This is the problem I've had with the Academy Awards in the past and I think that's why the ratings for the show have dropped so much. What I meant when I said, "insult the intelligence of the masses" is I think the masses are smart enough to know that the Academy was acknowledging works that filled some kind of political correctness void instead of recognizing the best talent so the masses just got tired of the same ol' same ol.'
And what was with all of the political activism in the past? People who live and work in fantasyland getting up on a stage and bagging their political drums about the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the fight against the big greedy corporations, gay rights, Save the Shrimp, etc. Whether one agrees or disagrees with these positions they have no place at an Academy Awards Show. Now I don't know how Europeans feel about it but the Academy Awards Show is as much an integral part of Americana as the Superbowl, apple pie and the World Series. It's an American cultural icon and this proud card carrying member of the usual Joetheplumbermovie goer doesn't want to see the show tarnished with political correctness and political commentary. There is a time and place for that and it's not at the Academy Awards Show.
For the record, I did watch some of this year's show but only because my wife is Peruvian and The Academy Awards is a big deal in Peru especially since one of their own was nominated for Best Foriegn Film. It's ironic how the show is huge in other parts of the world but kind of just hum drum here in the states. I'm wondering how many of those 30 million viewers were international. Also, for the record, I did enjoy the parts of the show that I saw. It looks like the academy is at a turning point. Maybe I'll start watching again.