Hi There,
this question is especially for the Logic 9 Users. If anyone out there would use my Song please and tell me if it pushes Processor 7 to the max.
My Problem:
Start my Song, it loads 18 VSL Special Editon Instruments.
Hit a Single NOTE ON/OFF: It drains Processor 7 (about 50%)
and it STAYS there. Even in absolute silence.
Hit another Note: More Processor power is used, ... and so on.
I hit more and more Notes. (about 5) and it only crackles. That's it. Processor 7 calculates a lot for nuthin.
Doesn't matter what Audiointerface I use. (internal or Saffire)
VSL 32 or 64 Instruments
Logic 8
All updates installed.
(nearly) Clean System
Fresh installed Mac Pro 10.6. no update vom 10.5
Final Cut Studio
Adobe CS3
Perian, Logitech Mouse Driver, Ozone M-Audio Driver (64Bit Version)
florian@digital-noises.com t: 0 24 34.92 81 36 + f: 0180.355 18 22 918 s: florianschommertz overseas: +64 (0) 48 89 03 85 mühltalweg 48 + 41844 wegberg ust-idnr.: de195532753 href=">my song
thank you! ************************************************* digital noises + florian schommertz dipl. sound engineer, dipl. medien-designer florian@digital-noises.com t: 0 24 34.92 81 36 + f: 0180.355 18 22 918 s: florianschommertz overseas: +64 (0) 48 89 03 85 mühltalweg 48 + 41844 wegberg ust-idnr.: de195532753 >
this question is especially for the Logic 9 Users. If anyone out there would use my Song please and tell me if it pushes Processor 7 to the max.
My Problem:
Start my Song, it loads 18 VSL Special Editon Instruments.
Hit a Single NOTE ON/OFF: It drains Processor 7 (about 50%)
and it STAYS there. Even in absolute silence.
Hit another Note: More Processor power is used, ... and so on.
I hit more and more Notes. (about 5) and it only crackles. That's it. Processor 7 calculates a lot for nuthin.
Doesn't matter what Audiointerface I use. (internal or Saffire)
VSL 32 or 64 Instruments
Logic 8
All updates installed.
(nearly) Clean System
Fresh installed Mac Pro 10.6. no update vom 10.5
Final Cut Studio
Adobe CS3
Perian, Logitech Mouse Driver, Ozone M-Audio Driver (64Bit Version)
florian@digital-noises.com t: 0 24 34.92 81 36 + f: 0180.355 18 22 918 s: florianschommertz overseas: +64 (0) 48 89 03 85 mühltalweg 48 + 41844 wegberg ust-idnr.: de195532753 href=">my song
thank you! ************************************************* digital noises + florian schommertz dipl. sound engineer, dipl. medien-designer florian@digital-noises.com t: 0 24 34.92 81 36 + f: 0180.355 18 22 918 s: florianschommertz overseas: +64 (0) 48 89 03 85 mühltalweg 48 + 41844 wegberg ust-idnr.: de195532753 >