Hi Lubo
I apologise, I have made a slight mistake. Let me give you a little more detail. The melody I have written in Logic is in Eb Minor (6 flats). I am converting that region into a midi file and then opening up a new score in Notion by importing it. When I do, the staff has no key signature and, as you would expect, the melody is overflowing with accidentals. When I change key to Eb Minor and drag the 6 flats onto the staff, the accidentals DO change. This was my mistake. However what made me think they didn't (due to not looking closely enough!) was that all the G flats, were being notated as sharpened F's, and similarly the C flats's were being shown as naturalised B's. This although technically correct, is an illogical way to notate the melody.
Am I able to get around this problem?
P.s. My problem regarding the ties still stands.