"Indeed" - "sami"
What the hell is that supposed to mean? That you stole the VSL library? You must have, since by your posts you indicate you are a real jerk with no respect for your superiors.
BTW, you do not know what the hell you are talking about. The LASS may have better "auto-divisi" than VSL, but they don't compare to VSL in basic sound and musical quality at all. So you can do divided but mediocre strings with that library. go for it!
There was a guy on here previously who said concerning VSL solo strings - "give us poorer sound quality but looped." Which goes to show - along with your post - that what Nietzsche predicted about the increasing democratization of society resulting in idiots being given equal voice to rulers and geniuses has already taken place - on the internet. I congratulate you for your achievement in proving him right.