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  • News for Logic Users

    To all my fellow Logic users here:
    Logic 9.1 has just been released.

    All the info is here:

    and more here about 64-bit mode:

    and even more info here:

    The download can be done through Software update, or by logging in here:

  • Long file names at last! 

  • ZZZZZzzzzzzzz!

    The following features are not currently available when using Logic Pro 9.1 in 64-bit mode.

    • Firewire streaming of video
    • Digital Cinema Desktop
    • AAF import and export
    • EuCon control surface support
    • Automap of parameters with control surfaces
    • OMF import and export
    • Conversion to MP3
    • Recycle (REX) file support
    • ReWire support
    • Vienna Symphonic Library Tool (why not!)
    • Logic Node processing
    • AKAI format sample import

  • Probably because it runs as a separate thread, and that particular bit of code needs updating to 64 bit.  Maybe apple will do it, maybe Vienna, but hopefully it will get updated fairly soon.

    While it would be great to have everything from day one, some of the things on that list involve third party elements.

  • julian the only one of those features used by most of us is mp3 encoding and firewire's a great update. BTW this is a groundup 64bit rewrite.


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    @svonkampen said:

    julian the only one of those features used by most of us is mp3 encoding and firewire's a great update. BTW this is a groundup 64bit rewrite.


    Don't know about you but I sometimes use VSL [:S]


  • what the release notes are referring to is the VSL performance tool from the days when the libraries were in the EXS format - the current Vienna Instruments plugin should work fine!

    Unless of course you are still using the EXS versions :-(

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    @bobulusbillman said:

    what the release notes are referring to is the VSL performance tool from the days when the libraries were in the EXS format - the current Vienna Instruments plugin should work fine!

    Unless of course you are still using the EXS versions 😞

    I thought that the old performance tool doesn't  work either on intel or in Logic 9 so why would Apple be referring to something that isn't supported in their current app?

    Guess I'll wait for a bit of VSL confirmation on that.... CM? 

    As I'll be installing Logic 9.1 and bumping my MacPro to 10.2.6 to get the 64 bit addressing I'd like to know I'll not be sacrificing usability. Also I think Logic will only display one 32 bit plug-in at a time so this could  be an interruption to workflow.


  • Actually the 64-bit Vienna Instruments doesn't show up in 9.1 yet either. The 64-bit VE Pro does, however.

    It's a big step for Logic, but before we can use it all the software needs to be updated.

  • Nick, is this really a "from the ground up" rewrite? I had been reading that the re-coding of Logic in 64-bit was a mammoth project that would take tens of months. When it was first announced, I assumed it was a patchwork job. 

    Clearly they wanted this out before NAMM because four days of gripes about 4 GB ceilings would have been more than any rep could tolerate.

  • I don't know the answer to that, Plowman, however my guess is that it's not a total rewrite. What they're saying is that it has "64-bit compatibility." So they probably rewrote the audio processing engine, and they're definitely running the 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge program outside Logic.

    The 32-bit program seems to have borrowed its concept from Vienna Instruments in that you click on a window to open the plug-in's interface. Is that patchwork? It probably has to be to run both 32- and 64-bit plug-ins.

    This is a pretty major update because of the 64-bit compatibility and also just because they fixed so many bugs - even though to be honest we're better off using the 32-bit version for now, since there are no 64-bit instruments other than RMX that work in it. Why hassle with the extra window to click in when running plug-ins?

  • Thanks Nick. 

    Yes, now we have to click a window to GET "Show Window." 

  • I have tested Vienna Ensemble Pro using Logic 9.1 in 64 bit mode and it is working fine. VEP shows up in the 64 bit menu in Logic when you select an instrument. They have all the plug-ins divided between 32 and 64 bit.

  • TIP:

    If you have installed Logic 9.1 and try to use the AU-Manager to scan all plugs new or after resetting the cache, the 64-bit Logic9.1 had problems to validate the 32-bit-plugs, so I changed to 32-bit-mode and scanned it again, then it works fine. After it I switched again to 64-bit-Mode and then all 32-bit-Plugs were validated successfully without a new rescan.

    So now it would be good to have the 64-bit AU-Version of Vienna Instruments as well as VE-Pro. Sometimes it is good to use just VI-Engine for small arrangements, so VIENNA TEAM please follow Apple with a 64-bit VI Engine without VE-Pro.

    The Vienna Symphonic Tool you can use just in 32-bit-mode-Logic is the performance tool for Horizon and Pro-Series of EXS24, nothing more, everything else after releasing new VI-Engine works fine through 32-bit-AU-bridge..


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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    This is a pretty major update because of the 64-bit compatibility and also just because they fixed so many bugs - even though to be honest we're better off using the 32-bit version for now, since there are no 64-bit instruments other than RMX that work in it. Why hassle with the extra window to click in when running plug-ins?

    Because even the bridge allows loading vastly more plugins, even without any 64 bit plugs it's a huge improvement in memory management.  I'm running 64 already and hopefully won't see any reason to go back.

    So any word from VSL about 64 bit support/compatibility?

  • The only limitation I can find is that VEP in 64 bit won't host AU plugins in 32 bit. I use VEP to host Omnisphere, Kontakt, etc.,as well as VSL instruments.  So I have Logic 9.1 in 64, VEP in 32. So far so good.

  • Are you sure, Mike? The bridge stops at 2.53GB. I didn't compare it to the 32-bit Logic, but anecdotally that seems comparable to me - certainly not vastly more plug-ins.

    Or are you talking about processing plug-ins? I didn't try that.

  • The bridge is going to stop at some point, but it doesn't have to share any of that memory with Logic itself (which is quite a hog).

    Loading up plugins, I was able to load sessions that went well beyond the point where 9.0.2 crashed ("vastly" was probably hyperbole on my part, maybe I got a little excited being able to load more plugs in Logic than ever before, without a crash).  Of course there's still a limit that will require 64 bit plugins to pass, but even with 32 bit plugins there's a clear improvement.

  • I'll be happy if the "Logic is out of memory screw you I'm crashing" messages that come up way before it should be out of memory (usually when you're using the Kontakt memory server and/or VE Pro) have gone away with this update.

    That's my next check...