hi, Paul or Andi. please help me, too.. you and Paul seem to snob or disregard my question about staccato and sustain switching according to Sibelius indications and commands... some of the notes i commanded to be staccato were also followed, its just that it doesn't go back to be played 'sustain' when it's supposed to. please just teach me the codes - has it something to do with CCO# or any number? please help me... i bought VSL because i believe it's the best software or library ever.... teach me please to manipulate the Control... thanks in advance
for PAUL and ANDI Sibelius - VSL playback problems
Hello ajoteph!
I recommend downloading and reading the "Optimizing Sibelius Playback" manual from the following location:
You will find all details on how to trigger the various articulations there.
If you are still having questions then, please give me all the details on your configuration (Sibelius version, sound set used, settings on the Manual sound set page, matrices loaded, ...) and what you have tried so far.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -