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  • Routing in Cubase Essential 4

    I'm trying to setup 4 FX tracks with different reverb settings on them, 1 for strings, 1 for brass, 1 for woodwinds, 1 for percussion.

    I created 4 busses in VEP, and have the MIDI tracks routed correctly in VEP, but I can't figure out how to route the channels to the FX tracks within Cubase.  Any help is appreciated, I've looked at both manuals and it doesn't say anything about routing MIDI tracks, only audio tracks to FX channels.



  • Hello Tyler

    VEpro is a host itself. Either you create different depths (busses) within VEPro... or

    you create VI-Tracks (Instrument- or Midi-Tracks with an assigned VI)  within Cubase for your instruments (without VEPro) and route them through different depths in Cubase as well.

    For smaller Ensembles you don't need to use VEPro.

    Solving the problem with VEPros:

    Maybe it makes sense to open a VEPro for each group of instruments:

    • Strings
    • Woodwinds
    • Brass
    • Percussion

    Route then the stereo outputs of each of these VEPros through the corresponding depth within CUBASE.



    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Thanks for the reply Beat.

    This solves the problem, except I want my Cubase plugins to show up in VEPro.

    I have a certain Reverb that I can put on Audio Tracks in Cubase but not in VEPro...that's the only thing I want to do is route reverb to different outputs.

  • Cubase plugins can't show up in VE Pro, because they are Cubase plugins. Basically in order to do what you want, you need to set up your FX channels the way you like them, and do the sends from the VST Outputs from VE Pro.


  • ^^^^^^^^^^^

    Thanks DG but that's what I can't figure out how to do with VEPro.

    The outputs are NET 1/2 NET 3/4 etc.  but this would mean that I would have to have a new instance of VEPro for every FX track I want, since I can't create another stereo output in Cubase without there being another VST instrument.

    When I change an output in VEPro to let's say...NET 3/4 all sound cuts off and the signal goes nowhere.

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    @Tyler Johnson said:

    When I change an output in VEPro to let's say...NET 3/4 all sound cuts off and the signal goes nowhere.


    That's because you haven't enabled the output in Cubase. Go to the VST rack (F11) look to the left of the Vienna Ensemble name and you'll see a little black triangle. Click that, and it will give you a list of all the possible outputs for that instance. Then enable which ever one(s) you want to use


  • ^^^^^^^^^^^

    Well wasn't THAT easy ;)  Cheers!


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    @Tyler Johnson said:


    Well wasn't THAT easy 😉  Cheers!



    I think you have to blame Steinberg for "hiding" this feature. When I first got Nuendo, I knew about this, but still couldn't find it, either in the program or the manual.

    Glad to have been of service anyway. [:D]
