VE PRO cubase crash report
49 instances of VE Pro, 50% ram usage, Cubase 5 32 bit, fresh project file, 49 instrument tracks with midi all assigned a VE PRO VST3. When I click "connect", and scroll the mouse over the blank list of available servers, Cubase will crash and windows will search for a solution. I have the .CPR and metaframe for anyone who is interested.
VE Pro is designed to be used on up to 16 midi channels. I don't think it's intention was to be used as an instrument track in Cubase because instrument tracks aren't multi-timbral. This would also be quite resource intensive.
Do you get a crash if you go to the VST rack and open up Vienna Ensemble Pro? On a PC using Cubase 5.1, I haven't had a problem with Vienna Ensemble Pro used this way.
Do you have the latest version of Ensemble Pro installed? Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it? Since Ensemble Pro utilizes the VST3 format, you can load a ton of instruments in just one Instantiation of the plug-in. There are up to 8 ports so you can load 128 instruments in just one instantiation if you so desire.
yes thats true. I was trying to create an obscure solution to a fairly minor asthetic issue in Cubase. When I use the VST rack method, the midi tracks are seperate from the audio outputs. It quickly becomes confusing if you are using a lot of busses and sends etc. So I was trying to figure out a way to get the midi to appear on the same track as the audio, and the only way to do that is to make a bunch of VEPRO instances each with only one instrument loaded...
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