I'm looking to try and make my VE PRO routing in cubase a bit more intuitive. Right now, audio from VE PRO comes in on the 12 outputs, and VE Pro is sent MIDI via seperate MIDI Channels. then that audio needs to get send to Altiverb busses, and then maybe also group tracks for the different sections. And then after this is all complete, there is no easy way to import a new midi file into this template without rearranging everything. My small brain can't keep track of all these different busses. How come there isn't a way in Cubase to route the MIDI from an instrument track into VEPRO, and then route the audio from the 12 outputs back in to the Instrument channel? The only tracks that are routeable in cubase are busses. And low and behold, busses cannot playback midi data.....Its a Catch-22, when all i'd like to do is consolidate my oboe down to a single track!
Routing options with VE PRO
- Instrument tracks are a half finished feature. my advice is don't use them.
- Regarding your other issue, i don't really understand it. Each MIDI track feeds and VI loaded in VE. Each VI can have its own VSTi Output, which will appear in the Cubase project. All your Altiverb instances can be loaded onto Group tracks (for maximum flexibility) and sends used from the VSTi Outputs. You can also route the dry signal to groups tracks, if you wish. All of this has nothing to do with importing any MIDI file, because all you would need to do is route each track to the appropriate VE channel. The rest can be stored in a template. Regarding 100s of VE instances, there is a limit of 32, and each one will degrade performance slightly, and available RAM quite a bit.
Thanks DG. Maybe I'm just really lazy. This has been an issue for me because I am not good at keeping track of the changes I make to various parameters such as volume, pan, and altiverb's gain settings and IR choice. It gets confusing really fast. When I have about 10 different places to do the same thing, sometimes ill end up changing more than one. I would find it most natural to automate the audio on the same track as the midi. I could move the midi track next to the audio output to make it more intuitve, but then this would require arranging the tracks all over again, because MIDI would just get imported as one big list of tracks. Maybe I'm OCD...BTW, Do I even need to adjust Altiverb's gain settings?
I don't think that you're lazy, because I would like to be able to do the same as you would....! However, until Steinberg finishes the feature of Instruments tracks, you can't do what you want to.
However, you could always do the MIDI volume using automation, which would give you the same look as an Instrument track.
Regard gin Altiverb settings, there is no correct answer, because it always depends on circumstance. However, there are times when I increase or reduce the send whilst a track is playing, but it is the exception rather than the rule.